we're not meant for each other

Start from the beginning

Ddot and Trinity laughed together like they used to, no one on their minds not Miley and not ndot just themselves.

"Miami was also the first time we told each other how we felt" ddot obviously ruined the mood with that but oh well can't go back now

"ddot?" "yea?" "do you ever wish we could go back yk and change everything that happened between us"

"everyday" ddot said quietly "do you?" Trinity looked at him with a sad smile before turning back looking at the trees

"all the time" "maybe we could start over trin.." "Darrian... yk we can't do that" a small tear rolled down trinitys face just thinking about them and their relationship

"we had it good but we're not meant for each other" ddot sadly nodded his head in agreement knowing Trinity was right

Ddot and Trinity were not meant for each other, not in this universe they were too much alike yet so different and all they do is bump heads nothing could change that.

"Your right trinity I just miss how we used to be yk I miss the old days back when we was little kids"

"we used to be inseparable and now we can barely stand to be around each other" Trinity sadly laughed to herself

"It was me and you against the world" ddot laughed sadly "we always had those stupid arguments about nothing" both teens laughed

"often forgetting that we were still young but through the fussin and fighting it was still love"

"I rlly wish we could have worked but maybe this is what's best for us" "yea maybe" "and if it isn't we'll find our way back to each other"

the two laid their heads on each other as they sat in silence for a while before they finally checked the time seeing it was 12:27 am

"Damn I should probably get going" Trinity said breaking the silence "yeah same" Trinity and ddot got up giving each other a look as they rushed to give each other a hug

a long and well needed hug for both of them

"Goodbye Trinity.." the two pulled away with a sad smile on their faces "goodbye Darrian"

And with that the two teens went their separate ways both of them feeling the best they've ever felt in the pass couple of months due too the move, the fights, the near death experiences, and all the drama

This was really what Trinity and ddot both needed because it feels like everyone even themselves forgot their all just kids in this huge world

River park towers The Bronx

Trinity opened the door to see Chris asleep on the couch with Leilani probably waiting for her to come home

Trinity walked up to him putting a cover over him and grabbing lani to put her in her bed

After Trinity put Leilani to bed Trinity decided to clean up the apartment a little because 3 teens and a toddler were not the cleanest of people

It took about an hour but Trinity finally finished cleaning so she grabbed some snacks and walked to her room turning on a the summer I turned pretty

30 minutes into the show trinity's phone went off twice causing Trinity to check it

-can't wait to see you tomorrow gn❤️

-we need to work this out trin.

Trinity replied to Tyler saying goodnight back but she sat and stared at ndots message not knowing how to respond

Trinity really and I mean really liked ndot but she was just scared of the what ifs

Ndot hasn't made the best choices to change the way trinity thinks but maybe this time ndot can figure out something that could help him regain her trust because he knows he can't change the past

After a while Trinity fell asleep without responding to ndot sadly that kept him up all night but hey this is his fault so he better fix this.

After a while Trinity fell asleep without responding to ndot sadly that kept him up all night but hey this is his fault so he better fix this

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My thumb hurts from writing for 3 hours Anywhoooo here the chapter yall hoes been threatening me for☠️ also I think I got ocd.

1095 words.

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