we're not meant for each other

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Half of this chapter is based off of forever by rod wave😒

@tr1n1tyThuggin dolo🗣️🤷🏽‍♀️❤️liked by @al0ra and 20380 others*comments off*

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Thuggin dolo🗣️🤷🏽‍♀️
❤️liked by @al0ra and 20380 others
*comments off*

Trinity told ndot she was going home but that's not where she was going

Trinity just needed a escape from everything

Almost losing Amir was Trinity's last straw

Trinity called a Uber to Central Park

Although it was something her and ddot would do she didn't think about that

Because it was genuinely peaceful at night

maybe a walk alone could help and even though Trinity didn't like being outside alone she can try to to get through this

"Damn I need a blunt" Trinity said sadly to herself as she sat on the bench

maybe this was working maybe all she needed was peace alone with herself

"Me too" Trinity recognized the voice that sat next to her

"Darrian?" "Trinity?" "why tf are you here" "am I not allowed to come to a public park anymore?"

Ddot shook his head "that's not what I said" ddot got up to walk away

"Ddot wait don't leave" ddot gave Trinity a confused look "why"

"just don't.. please?" "Alr"

"can I genuinely ask u a question?" Ddot said as he looked at Trinity waiting for her response "yea"

"Why are you here alone" "I like Central Park at night it's peaceful" ddot shook his head

"Trinity you've always hated being outside at night alone why are you here"

Trinity hesitated telling him and ddot took offense to that probably because they used to tell each other everything until they didnt.

"Trinity we've known each other since first grade just because all this drama doesn't mean you can't talk to me just trust me"

"ddot why should I tell you, so you can go back and tell miley so she can put it in one of her stupid ass songs"

"I broke up with miley" "is that why your here?" "yea I just needed to be alone" "can you tell me why your here now"

"Ndot." "Damn"

Trinity and ddot sat in silence for a while until Trinity spoke up

"soooo you don't gotta blunt?" "Yk I do"

Both of the teens passed it back and forth as they both let their guard down and got comfortable with each other's presence

"ddot u remember that night In Miami" Trinity laughed as she nudged ddot "yea we snuck out and kept ding dong ditching ya pops"

NOT A HARLEM BABY ANYMORE||ndotspinalotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ