Chapter XI. Targaryens Justice

Start from the beginning

Missandei begins addressing us "You stand in the presence of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Queen Daenerys the rightful heir Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains."

Daeron laughs looking at his uncle Aeryn not believing this madness. Laela and I share an annoyed look. Meaning this ridiculous.

Jon turns and looks at Davos and me.

Davos says "This is Jon Snow" He nods and pauses "He's King in the North"

Tyrion smirks to himself.

Laela talks "This is Lyanna Snow his twin sister common as The red queen, Queen of Riverlands, Tarth, Claw island" with challenges "and this land under her protection"

Daemion smirks starts to like the show.

Daeron laughs again "The war of Aliases"

Viserys groans "You fucking kidding me, I am on this madness for the past week. That my throne and she came and take it easy"

Daenerys says "Thank you for traveling so far, My Lords and ladies. I hope the seas weren't too rough."

Jon says "The winds were kind, Your Grace."

I don't like her, she had an ego.

Davos says "Apologies. I have a Flea Bottom accent, I know. But Jon and Lyanna Snow are King and Queen, Your Grace. They are not a lord and Lady."

Daenerys says "Forgive me__"

Tyrion says "Your Grace, this is Ser Davos Seaworth."

Aeryn says "Forgive her, Ser Davos."

Daenerys says "Forgive me, I never did receive a formal education, but I could have sworn the last King in the North was Torren Stark who bent the knee to my ancestor Aegon Targaryen in exchange for his life and the lives of the Northmen. Torren Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. But do I have my facts wrong?"

Davos says "I wasn't there, Your Grace."

Daenerys says "No. Of course not."

I say "I thought you have not a formal education"

Daenerys nods "But still, an oath is an oath. In perpetuity means -- what does perpetuity mean, uncle"

Daemion crosses his legs "Forever."

Daenerys says "Forever. So I assume, My Lord and Lady, that you're here to bend the knee"

Jon says "I am not."

I laugh "Who said I would bend the knee to you?!"

Viserys gives me a thank-you look.

Daenerys says "Oh. Well, that is unfortunate. You've traveled all this way to break faith with House Targaryen?"

Jon says "Break faith?"

I say "As I told Prince Aeryn before we are just allies and you will live here under my protection until you take the Iron Throne. All I know is that Prince Aeryn who the one will take it. I do not know you" I raise my eyebrow "I am speaking the truth you are The mad king's daughter"

Jon says "Your father burned our grandfather alive. He burned our uncle alive. He would have burned the Seven Kingdoms."

I say "He kept saying burn them all"

Daenerys says "My father was an evil man. On behalf of House Targaryen, I ask your forgiveness for the crimes he committed against your family. And I ask you not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father. Our two houses were allies for centuries. Those were the best centuries the kingdom's ever known. Centuries of peace and prosperity with the Targaryens sitting on the Iron Throne and a Stark serving as Warden of the North. In this hall the last members of House Targaryen, Jon and Lyanna Snow. Honour the pledge your ancestor made to mine. Bend the knee and I will name you Warden of the Riverlands and North. Together we will save this country from those who would destroy it."

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