38. Duskendale and Rook's Rest

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Rhaenyra had received letter from one of the Lords that they needed help, she would have flowed herself if not for Daemon in the end they had sent Rhaenys to help the lord. The Princess had been unwanting to go but had been convinced by Daemon.

Not a week later they received news of her death, it had been an ambush by Aegon and Aemond, both Targaryen had hoped the dragon rider that would have come would have been Rhaenyra or Daemon himself.

Rhaenyras stomach had dropped at the letter when she received the news of the death of her cousin blaming herself for such thing, if the three of them had gone just as she had suggested Rhaenys would still be here.

Daemon had told her that it was not her fault, that war was like this and you could not prevent deaths from happening.

Rhaenyra not sure of how to tell Rhaena and Baela of such thing opted on keeping it on the low for a few days but that had not gone well.

Corlys came to hear of the news because of the murmur of the people of Dragon Stone, when he heard he had thought it was mer murmurs but by now it had been two weeks since Rhaenys had left. Corly's heart threatened to stop as he walked through the halls of DragonStone and into Rhaenyras Council room.

The doors to the council room opened and when Corly's eyes connected to Rhaenyras he knew it was true Corlys Velaryon felt like dying. His queen was dead, it seem the gods wanted to take everything from him because of his greediness.

First his Laena, then Laenor now this. Corlys had enough he was leaving the Black he had nothing to fight for anymore.

"My wife was killed, and I find the news from the peasants!" Shouted Corlys.

With one look from Rhaenyra, everyone in the room left. "Corlys, I know you are hurting-" Rhaenyra was cut short by Corly's screams. "I have stood by you Rhaenyra, since the beginning, and look where it has gotten me, My son dead, my daughter dead, and now my wife!"

"Corlys" whispered Rhaenyra as she walked towards the man. "No Rhaenyra, I am leaving this war, I have lost everything I ever held dear to my heart... and look what I have gotten in returned" Corlys cried he cried in front of the Black queen.

The two were not able to continue their conversation when the doors to the council room opened revealing Jacaerys. The older boy had found out about the death of his grandmother early on, and as he was to be King he took it upon himself to find a solution to the problems that would come from Rhaenys death.

"Grandsire, I know when one is in pain we make irrational choices... I believe my mother in return for my grandmother's death would offer you the title of the hand of the Queen... it is the least we can do" Jace spoke as he made his way to his mother's side.

Corlys seem skeptical by his grandsons words, looked at Rhaenyra for an answer as he wiped away his tears. "It would be an honor to have you Lord Corlys as my hand" Spoke Rhaenyra as she gave Jace a small smile making the younger boy nod.

"I would appreciate that!" Spoke Lord Corlys. "Queen Rhaenyra, Princes Jacaerys, Lord Corlys. A letter has arrived for you Lord Corlys from Princess Daena Velaryon" Spoke one of the knights. The three of them looked at one another as Lord Corlys took the letter.


Dear Grandsire

I have heard of my grandmother's passing, I am sorry for your loss. I am sorry for not being able to attend the funeral, the maester has forbidden flying for me due to an illness I have caught. I truly wish I could be there and say my proper goodbye to my grandmother. I hope you can forgive my absence from the burial.

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