Get ready to get your ass shredded Orc Lord.

Start from the beginning


Out of the smoke. Geld appeared, devouring his own hand. That's one tough motherfucker right there.

-"But why is that guy eating his own arm?"

{Great sage}-"Answer: Orc disaster is in possession of the skill {Self regeneration}."

{Great sage}-"The unnatural rate of regeneration is a result of the combination with the skill {Hunger}."

Geld then finished his hand and turned behind himself. He then picked up a random orc. The orc screamed in both fear and pain. He then completely devoured the orc.

He then regenerated the rest of his scarred body.

Hakuro-"What regenerative power."

Hakuro-"We can't hope to defeat it unless we kill it instantly, huh."

Soei-"But with our current abilities, we aren't able to deal the decisive blow."

Soei-"At this rate, well eventually run out of stamina."

Soei-"It's our defeat."

Geld-"It is not enough...I need more."

Geld-"Let me eat more!"

Benimaru-"Well, I'm beat did he just make a complete recovery?"

-"Benimaru can you hear me?"

Benimaru-"Master Rimuru..."

He then noticed me and Rimuru standing in front of Geld.

Shion-"Lord Rimuru!"

Shion-"Just when did they move in..."

Benimaru-"Shion wait."

Shion-"please get out of the way!"

Shion-"I have to protect Lord Rimuru!"

Benimaru-"It's fine, calm down."

Benimaru-"If our support was needed, we would b have been notified by telepathy."

Benimaru-"And the orders I received from Lord Rimuru were..."

Benimaru-"...We will take it from here."


Geld-"...huge fanged wolf."

Geld-"There should be 6 delicious courses."

Geld-"Where did that fanged wolf go?"

-"You mean Ranga?"

-"He's in my shadow."

Geld-" ate him?"

-"Certainly not. I would eat m comrades without a reason."

-"I'm not sure about you thought."

Geld was about to grab Rimuru, but he easily dodged.


-"Are you mad?"

-"That's slightly unexpected. And I thought all you thought about was eating."

Geld swung at both me and Rimuru a few more times. We were able to easily dodge.

Rimuru then decided to throw away his mask. I gave him mine as well. 

To finish this guy. I will have to use my vision to the fullest.

-"Shion, hold onto these masks for me."

-"Its very important."

He said as he threw the masks at her.


Shion-"Ah, okay?"

Geld-"...boring your petty existence matches your appearance."

He started casting some sort of magic.

Geld-"{Deathmarch dance}!"

-"Yon, I will distract him. Cut his soul to shreds."


-"It's your turn partner."

When the magic landed. We were both nowhere to be seen.

Geld-"...dead already?"

Then Geld's arm flew off. Black flames coated the wound, which stopped it from regenerating.


{Great sage}-"{Great sage}s control over bodily functions confirmed."

{Great sage}-"Transition to {Auto battle mode} complete."

Next chapter: Terror.

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