The clockwork orange

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I lived across the street from a magician, that's bad enough okay. My name is Howard Stein, and I am fourteen years old. I used to live in southern Nebraska, next to my aunt. But finally we moved away from the drama and hit the road. I really didn't like my aunt that much. Why? It is because she always started fights with my mom, a.k.a her sister. But I still loved my aunt no matter what. Now let me get back,to the magician guy. He seemed like a nice guy but I couldn't trust him, at all. He said his name was Frederick Stein, and I was like that's my last name sir? Oh, wow, he said like he didn't care. He also mentioned that he is a magician and he loved to do an act with her sometime. Not to mention he looked like a serial killer. Anyway my mom actually agreed with this guy! I had to say I was a bit pissed, because you can never trust anyone, unless it's a relative. After he was done talking he turned back and walked to his house. The whole house was black. So then I finally went back into my house and went to bed. I got up the next morning and had some breakfast. After that my mom forced me to go bring these pile of sticks over to "Mr.Friedrick" as she calls him. I bring the sticks over to him with my face completely covered in sticks. I approach the door, and knock. No answer. I knock again, no answer. Finally I got mad and dropped the pile and walked right in, the house was completely dark. As I turn to my left to see a small light at the end of the hall. I just decided what the hell, I'll go see if he's there. As I slowly opened the door I saw a disfigured man strapped to a chair, with his eye lids sealed open with tools! His legs were half cut off. I slowly turned to the left of the room to see Friedrick laughing it up and sharpening a knife. I was completely frozen that I couldn't even move. You wanna see a magic trick, he asked me. I remained silent. You wanna see me teleport a woman to this vary room? Abricadabra!!! Then suddenly my mom appears with her throat slit open...

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