Chapter 12

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"What." I say, confused. "Hold on, what."

"They want us to play a game. They've done this before," Jax whispers, turning us around. "Take up the offer. I don't know what the game will be, but it's worth the risk."

I turn back around, keeping my head down, and say to the group of werewolves "Okay. What's the deal?"

"We'll play a game," the female wolf says. "If you win, we'll leave you alone. If you lose, we devour you."

"O-Okay," I say, nervous. "What's the game?" There's a silence, and a bit of whispering among the wolves. After a few seconds, the guy, who seems to be the leader, says "All you'll have to do is run. We'll give you a one minute head start. If we injure you, you lose. The game will last for three minutes."

"Okay. Dani, let's go," Jax says, leading me to the woods.

"No," the third guy demands. "You are not allowed to assist her."

"What? That isn't fair!" Jax says. "She'll have no chance!"

"She had a chance to stay out of this before any of it started," the leader says. "Its too late for fairness now,". I whimper. This isn't good. That one guy chasing me before was hard to get away from, but now there's four of them coming for me? And I still have a messed up arm!? Crap!

"Run, human," the girl demands. "Good luck." I run into the woods, jogging while I count down my minute. I hop over the creek and hide behind a big rock as my countdown hits zero. A bone chilling howl rushes through the wind as twigs snap and sounds of running ensue. I cover my mouth to hide my frantic breathing and look around for something I can use to protect myself.

I grab a handful of pebbles and stuff them in my pocket as the sounds of footsteps get closer. I peek around the rock, but can't see anything. I sit back and let out a sigh of relief before hearing the girl say "Found you."

I jump back and reach into my pocket, keeping myself from screaming. The girl comes down from the rock as I grab the pebbles from my pocket, and she puts her hands up. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't wanna play this game any more than you do," she says. I ease up, and she gets a little closer, helping me to my feet. "You were brought into this wrongfully. I don't want anything to happen to you," she assures me.

She sniffs the air and points east, south, and west. "The other wolves are coming from those directions. Go north. Hold onto those rocks, keep quiet, and don't stay in one place for too long," she advises. I thank her, and she nods. I run away, stopping every now and then to rub my jacket on a few trees spread out between each other. If they're gonna track my scent, I'll make sure they have a hard time doing it.

I duck behind a large tree and look down, seeing a big rock. I put it in my pocket and equip myself with the pebbles. I can only use one hand, which'll make it hard to defend myself. I'm gonna need to be quick if I want to--

"Hey there, pretty girl," a deep voice says from above my head. He drops down, but I duck out of the way before he crashes onto me. He stands up, and I see a piece of tree bark in his hand. He sniffs it before saying "Pretty clever of you to rub your smell on the trees. I'm impressed."

"Leave me alone! Please!" I beg, backing away.

"I'm a little too hungry for that, princess," he says before lunging at me. I move out of the way and throw the pebbles at him. They get into his eyes, and I knee him in his private. "AGGH!" He yells as I shove him out my way. I run, and he yells "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, BITCH!"

I clutch the rock in my pocket tightly, running through the trees and keeping an eye out for any of the other werewolves. Running this much in the cold air is stinging my throat, and it's hard to breathe.

I look back to make sure I'm not being followed before slamming into something rock hard! Did I hit a tree!?

"Got you!" the leader shouts. I scramble to my feet and try to run away, but he grabs me and pulls me into a headlock. "This game is over. You've lost," He says, his icy breath freezing my ear.

I squirm in his arms, but he's too strong! I can't get out! "You aren't going anywhere," he says. "I'm hungry, and poor brother Cooper needs some sweet revenge."

I throw my head back, smashing it against the wolf's nose. "GAAH!!" He yells, stumbling back and letting me go. His nose is still fleshy as a human, which makes it a nice spot to aim! I pull out the big rock and swing it for his nose, then again into his head.

He stumbles to the side, and I run past him, nailing him in the back of the head with the same rock as I flee. "ONE MINUTE LEFT!!!!" The fourth wolf announces. One minute! I can do that! I get a whiff of wet dog to my left and stop just as a werewolf flies past me! I keep running, hearing the wolf in hot pursuit behind me!

I can't get away on foot, but maybe...

I see a low hanging branch and jump for it just as the werewolf tries to pounce on me! I grab it in my right hand and pull my legs up, sending the wolf past me. I let go and land on my feet, grabbing a small rock from the cold grass.

I run for the wolf and, once he raises his head, swing the small pebble into his eye. "AAAAGGGH!!!!" He screams. I start running past him, but hear something coming for me in that direction.

I duck behind the guy I just blinded and spin him around, seeing a lot of blood spurting out from his body a second later. Jeez, this guy's getting the worst of this ass whoopin'.

I shove him forward, and him and the guy who just attacked fall back into the ground. I jump and run over their bodies, staying on my feet.

"YOU'RE DEAD, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!!!" One of the males yells. A third one! Shit!! I look behind me, but no one's there! I see something above me, and the guy is practically flying straight towards me!! I can't get away this time! I trip over a large tree root poking out of the ground and fall straight down, landing hard on my cast!

"AAH!!" I shout out. It's over. I can't get away. I'm done for!

"TIME IS OVER!!!" Somebody yells. Something comes out of nowhere and scoops me up off the ground before jumping away, just as the wolf from the air lands. "You're okay!" Jax says once he hits the ground. He puts me down, and I pant like a tired dog (no pun intended).

My whole body is shaking, especially my legs. It's hard to stay on my feet, so I fall back into Jax, who's now (thankfully) fully clothed. "I don't think I'll be able to stand for... like... another hour..." I say. "I don't know HOW you guys are able to run so fast without getting tired."

The sound of slow clapping bounces through the trees, catching our attention. Jax looks over his shoulder and I hold on tightly to his sleeve. "You're harder to kill than I thought you'd be," the leader says, walking towards us. "Really, I'm impressed. You won the game."

"Oh, really?" I say sarcastically.

"Watch the snark, girl," the man says. "You're okay, for now. We'll give you one week to prepare yourself for our next attack,". He suddenly gets in my face and snatches me by my arm, lifting me up. "Ah!" I exclaim.

"Next time, we won't be holding back," he says, his hot, stinky breath floating into my nose. He drops me and jumps into the trees, disappearing with the rest of his friends. Jax helps me stay on my feet and asks "Are you alright?"

"Jax..." I start, still slightly out of breath. "We need to get that talisman. Tonight."

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