Chapter 5 Alexander

Start from the beginning

"Obviously, Dylan, thanks for rubbing it in some more." Hudson grumbled.

"Goddess willing, you two will meet the Luna and I can finally start my job instead of being your lackey." Dylan ignored his fellow Gamma.

"I, for one," Hudson began, mocking Owen's earlier tone, "Enjoy being a responsibility free lackey." Hudson said, earning a glare from both Ian and I.

"Perhaps you need to be reassigned then." I said in a dangerous tone. Hudson frowned, sensing that he had screwed up.

"I was just joking, relax." Hudson said,

"You can be a dumbass all you want, Hudson, but your main function is to be the Luna's guard." I reminded him.

"I know that." Hudson bowed his head, baring his neck to me in submission.

"I say we enjoy the last few nights of freedom." Ian cleared his throat, breaking up the tension.

"We don't even know if we'll meet her at the Ball." I pointed out.

"Knowing our luck, we will." Ian said. He pretended not to want a mate, but I knew better. He was just as interested in her as I was.

"So, what? We're going to spend the next 14 days drinking?" I snorted.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Ian cheered before disappearing from the kitchen with Owen and Hudson in tow.

"Goddess help me." I groaned, plopping down on a kitchen stool and staring at the brewing coffee.

"You know, maybe she's a human like my Mom." Carter said, unhelpfully. Dylan shook his head with a groan, walking away from us both to pace the kitchen.

"Thanks, Carter, big help." I grumbled and Carter shrugged,

"It worked out for them."

"Ian would lose his mind." Dylan said from somewhere deep inside the kitchen.

"Dylan's right." I said,

"So, you're saying you wouldn't accept a human mate?" Carter challenged me.

"You know that's not what I'm saying. Of course we'll accept our mate no matter what. It would just....complicate things." I said, reaching for the hot mug once the liquid finished pouring out of the machine.

"The challenge will be your mate accepting you and Sebastian." Carter said,

"Yes, thank you." I swear, I'm going to kill him myself in a minute.

"Sire?" My top advisor, Walker, walked into the kitchen then.

"What is it, Walker?" He only bothered me if something urgent needed my attention.

"That pack in Charleston you asked me to keep an eye on was attacked last night." Walker said.

"My mother's old pack? The Cypress pack?" I asked and Walker nodded,

"Yes, sire. It was attacked by rogues. A particularly feral bunch of rogues, if reports are to be believed." Walker explained.

"Alright, get a team together and I'll meet them at the portal in twenty minutes." I ordered, already walking out of the kitchen.

Dylan and Carter followed after me quickly.

"Dylan, I want you to stay here and handle any matters on my account. Go let Ian know what's going on. Carter, you and I are going to Cypress."

"You got it, Alpha." Dylan nodded and disappeared. Carter and I hurried off to my mother's office.

"Mom, there's been a rogue attack on Cypress. I'm leading a team there now." I spoke urgently. My mother stood up with wide eyes,


Since my parents created the Redemption pack, rogue attacks and sightings were far and few between. But, the rogues that did remain, were often very dangerous and awfully feral. When Ian and I split up our royal duties, I agreed to take on any issues with rogues while Ian protected the realm's borders. Still on our radar was the missing older brother of my mother, Reid Cooper, a known associate of the rogues in Charleston, South Carolina.

"Yes, I'm going myself so I can get a handle on the situation." I told her assuringly.

"I should come with you."

"Absolutely not, Junie." My father appeared behind me. I stepped to the side so he could enter Mom's office and comfort his mate.

"I can handle this, Mom." I said, squeezing her hand and offering her a smile.

"I know you can, Alexander." She said, "Be careful. Remember all the things we've taught you about the rogues of Charleston." She added with a stern expression.

"I know, you've taught me well." I quickly kissed her cheek before grabbing Carter and running off towards the portal room.

The portal spun eagerly in anticipation as a dozen guard wolves waited for my command. I punched in the coordinates and led them through the sparkling looking glass doorway. The guards followed after me, the portal dumping us out right outside the front gate of the Cypress pack.

"King Alexander!" One of the guards jumped into action, opening up the gate and motioning us through.

Alpha Rebel was waiting for us on the front steps with his mate and Luna, Koda. He hurried down the steps to greet me,

"Thank you for coming with such haste, your highness."

"The Cypress pack will always hold a special place in the realm." I said and the Alpha nodded,

"And we honor that relationship, your grace."

"Tell me about the attack." I ordered as we walked inside the packhouse.

"It was a small group, no more than thirty. They were weak and feral, and we took them easily. We managed to capture a few alive, but most were killed." Alpha Rebel explained.

"Take me to the prisoners." I said and Alpha Rebel complied, leading me down to the dungeon through the entrance in his office. 

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