Chapter 3

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Ayumu's POV

When I got back to the cell, I quickly got ready. When I leave the bathroom, I see everyone still asleep and decide to sit on my shikibuton and brush my hair, ears, and tail out. Nico was laughing in his sleep when I heard movement. I see Uno stretching and notice his hair isn't in the long braid anymore. It was really messy and he was wearing a face mask. I get up and walk over to Uno. "Hey, Princess what are you doing awake?" Uno questions. "I didn't sleep last night I was in the guard room," I explain as I grab one of his long strands of hair. "Can I brush your hair?" I asked tilting my head to the side with a small smile on my face. "Sure, Princess let me go get my hairbrush and get this night mask off, okay!" Uno says standing up and going to the bathroom. I wait patiently for Uno to come back and look at my still unpainted nails. 'I need to ask if Hajime got me that nail polish I asked for yesterday,' I think to myself looking at my lap. I feel someone shake my shoulder and snap out of my thoughts. I look up to see Uno sitting in front of me.

"You okay? You were looking at your lap like it's the most interesting thing in the world?" Uno asks. "Just got lost in thought," I explain as Uno turns around. "I would love to see what you're thinking of Princess," Uno says as I start brushing out his floor-length long hair. "Why do you call me that?" I ask turning a little red. "What? Princess? It's a cute little pet name for you. After all, you should be treated like a Princess beautiful," Uno says turning back just to wink at me. I blush and continue to brush his hair. Not long after I started brushing Uno's hair Rock, Nico, and Jyugo all woke up one after the other. "Morning," I greet waving at the three. "OOOOOO! Brush my hair Ayumu-chan!" Nico practically squeals. I giggle and nod and tell him to go get me his brush. Rock and Jyugo follow him to the bathroom to get ready. "So Princess are you going to be awake for breakfast or should I grab you something?" Uno asks as I roll my eyes. "I'm awake I'll go with you guys," I say as Nico rushes back into the room, with his brush in hand.

"I'll braid my hair, you can go ahead and brush Nico's hair so we can head to breakfast without Rock getting grumpy for being late," Uno says as I start brushing Nico's hair. "I don't get grumpy if we're late for breakfast," Rock says as Nico, Uno, and Jyugo laugh. "Well, I'm done so we can go whenever," I say as Hajime opens the cell door. "Let's go," Hajime says before leading us to the cafeteria. "I'll be standing near your table so no one messes with Number 55. Shiro has also been informed about you as well as the cafeteria guards. I'm guessing you guys are also going to be watching out for her?" Hajime questions turning to the guys in Cell 13. "Of course, she's our roommate now. She's a part of our family," Rock says as Jyugo and Nico nod in agreement. "Go on then," Hajime says as Rock grabs my hand and takes me up to the line where I see a giant of a man. Shiro is about 8'5 and definitely a well-built man. He has really short blonde hair and a scar on the left side of his face from his forehead to his left cheek, a number 4 is also on the left side of his forehead, and he seems to have a slight hunchback. Shiro wears a chef outfit with a light green tie around his neck.

"I love your outfit," I say as Rock speaks up. "Hey, Shiro what's for breakfast?" Rock asks as Shiro hands us both a tray of food on it. I look down and see some stew and a side of rice. "Thank you it looks delicious," I say before waving bye and following Rock to sit down. "Shiro and the old man's cooking is awesome you'll love it!" Rock exclaims as Nico sits on the other side of me and Uno sits in front of me with Jyugo to his left in front of Rock. I start eating and get hit with such an amazing flavor. I ate smiling and barely even talked just enjoyed the food with my friends. I hear something coming from another table. I look up and see two guys fighting slightly. "What the hell? Rookies?"Jyugo says as Rock speaks up. "Probably. They don't seem to know the cafeteria rules," Rock says eating some more stew. "Hey guys, I wouldn't fight in here if I were you!" Rock called out to them, both of them looking confused. I notice Shiro behind him and continue eating interested in what's happening. "What are they on about?" One of them questioned. "What did he mean by that?" asked the other.

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