Incorrect tpn

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Before we get started I should explain things so anyone who reads this who hasn't read my Norray oneshot book will understand.

I imagine Ray as gay demiromantic who goes by he/him pronouns, Norman is bi and goes by he/him pronouns, Emma is pan and goes by she/her pronouns, Gilda is lesbian and goes by they/them pronouns, Don is bi and goes by he/him, Nat is bi and is still figuring out his pronouns but for the moment he goes by he/him, Anna is straight and goes by she/her.

Also I swear a lot when I talk and in writing so be prepared for that. Anyways if you like Norray and you haven't read my Norray oneshot book, I recommend reading it because its my book and I like what I've written in there so I'll obviously recommend it.

Anyways, onto the incorrectness of this chapter, I don't know how else to describe it, I'll stop talking now.


Gilda when they bought their first pair of glasses: "Holy shit, I can see that sign across the street!"


Nat getting mad while playing his piano: "Can everybody shut up already? I'm trying to play but you're all talking too much."

Ray: "So anyways-"

Nat attempts to flip the piano over but fails so he knocks Ray's drink out of his hand and then walks out.


Don: "Is cool better than awesome, or is awesome better than cool?"

Nat: "Or are they equal to each other?"


Ray: "Turn your trauma into a fetish or kink, be more horny and less sad. Not turning your trauma into a kink or fetish is the number one cause for trauma related sadness, so choose horny."

Norman: "What the fuck?"

Emma: "Ray, please its 1 am we're just trying to watch IT."


Ray: "My Chemical Romance is such a great ban-"

Don: "My Chemical Romance? Do you mean My Cosmic Romant?"

Ray: "What?"


Microwaves beep louder when everyones asleep, Emma unfortunately did not know this.

Emma learned the hard way

More on that later


Ray: "Norman, Emma, you two have been sitting down and staring at the laptop gasping and making odd facial expressions for two hours now, what are you guys doing?"

Gilda: "Yeah, we want to know."

Ray and Gilda make the mistake of going to look at Norman and Emma's laptop screen, what they see are two tabs open to wiki feet and men wiki feet.

Ray and Gilda now think Norman and Emma have a foot fetish.


I'm sorry that this is short, I don't normally do incorrect quotes like these because while it does take a lot of thinking on my end it might be too short or unenjoyable for the people who might like longer chapters or knowing the details behind why something I said in this happened. When I write these it is enjoyable but it just feels lazy to me, which is why rather than using popular ones I find literally everywhere, I like to either think of them, alter my experiences, or go digging through youtube videos of my favorite things.

If your new or don't already know, I love My Chemical Romance. Below I will include a get to know me, you obviously don't have to read it but it would be more convienent for the both of us. In my Norray Oneshot book on one of the chapters I included a get to know me but I can understand how it wouldn't be very fun to look for it.

Name: I have three names (will explain that later) but on Wattpad, Tumblr, etc I am mostly known as Somebody

Sexuality: I am pan demisexual demiromantic

Gender: I'm genderfluid, rather than going by one singular name I go by three depending on which gender I am, Somebody (I know it sounds silly but Somebody was one of the first names I tried out and I really fell in love with it)

Pronouns: I go by any pronouns, I don't really have a prefrence.

Hobbies: Photoshopping, photography, and writing

Favorite books: I'm including this one just in case theres anyone else who has read them, I really love to talk about my interests. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell, Little Women Louisa May Alcott, and Brothers Grimm stories. I actually have the complete fairy tale book of Brothers Grimm and I'm currently rereading it for the third time.

Favorite bands: My Chemical Romance, Queen, The Wrecks, The Beatles

Alright that should be everything, if anyone has any questions please ask.

Also, if anyone comments in later chapters, trust me I really want to answer but I get so nervous and don't know how to answer. Another thing, I've only been writing for like two years on Wattpad so I'm still learning and I'm glad I have people following me on this journey.

+ Bonus incorrect quote because I just thought of it

Norman: "Ray loves My Chemical Romance, he especially loves Gerard Way. We have a room in the house that's just completely filled with Gerard. He spends more time in that room than he does with me"

Emma: "It can't be that bad."

Ray: "It can be actually, my mind goes abosolutely feral when I see Gerard."

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