!Discliamers and information!

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Things about you, you are a girl (you can look different if you want)

You don't speak much and your (y/h) means your height (im 5'3 irl😭) but anyways you should know the basic (h/c) and (e/c) hair color and eye color and if you don't I could always write them in a chapter for you!

You have social anxiety and you speak 6 languages

German, Spanish, Dutch, French, Italian and English

French, Italian and Spanish you learned from your mom

German, Spanish and Dutch you learned because you had missions in different countries and had to learn they're language

(I'm sorry about how long that was) but anyways

Some people are just going to be names i got off google or made up so any extra character is not in the actual game

And I'm using google translate plus swearing and gore that's it

- extra
I do BXB and GXG if requested! :)

Other then that enjoy

- oh and btw I'm RiRi and i do update when i have time like sometimes before school

I'm horrible at spelling

So if a chapter is short thats bc i have school or i have to do things

And long chapters is when i dont have school like after school, weekends and summer and things like that and sorry about the spelling mistakes, I'm a fast typer and my keyboard doesn't correct them (I'm not downloading grammarly keyboard)but enjoy!

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