Valentine's Day*

378 3 65

Ella Frazier

Two loud knocks ring out through my apartment. Typically they would be faint from my bathroom, but they come in so sharp and unexpected that I jump slightly at the sound. The tip of my eyeliner pencil jolts, smudging the delicate line I was creating on the corner of my eye.

I let out a groan, pulling my hand away from my face and setting down the pen on my bathroom counter. I slowly turn, sliding my body off the cold countertop and out of the bathroom. I shuffle my way to the front door, a smile lifting onto my face as I think about who stands behind the door waiting for me.

I quicken my steps the closer I get to the door, reaching for the handle and swiftly pulling it open.

"Happy Valentine's Day," Harry says, a wide smile on his face as he stands still just behind the doorframe. In his hand, he has a gorgeous bouquet of pink tulips. I take a step forward, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, and then take a step to the side to let him into my apartment.

"Happy Valentine's day," I repeat back to him. Harry steps into my apartment, and I shut the door behind him. I turn to face him again, and he pushes the bouquet of flowers slightly forward for me to take.

"These are for you," he tells me with a smile.

I grab the bouquet out of his hands, slightly dropping my expression but still smiling, "I thought we said no gifts."

Harry shoves his hands into his pockets, "It's not really a gift."

"You bought me something. That's a gift," I explain.

"It's fine," He tells me.

I lift my eyes from the flowers to meet Harry's eyes, which are already stuck on me. He gives me a half smile, his focus fluttering around my face and then stopping at my eyes again for a split moment.

Harry lifts a hand to his own eye, "It's messed up."

"Your eye?" I ask, craning my head a little closer to his, "It looks fine to me."

"No," He laughs, "Your eyeliner."

I drop my expression, taking a step back as I let out a small laugh. I walk my way into my kitchen, "I know." I carefully set the fresh bouquet onto the countertop, reaching for the vase that holds the wilting flowers from the past. "You scared me when you knocked. It was abnormally loud," I explain, pulling the old flowers out of the vase and tossing them in the trash.

"Oh," Harry laughs, walking to meet me in the kitchen. I turn my head to look at him, seeing his outfit for tonight in full effect. He has on an all-black outfit. Black boots, jeans, and a button-up shirt with the usual top buttons undone to let his chest peek out.

I take a deep breath, my eyes focusing on the cross necklace sitting delicately on his chest. I watch Harry's chest shake a little with a laugh, my eyes flicking up to his face to see his attention stuck on me, a smile on his face as he watches me. My cheeks heat with slight embarrassment of being caught.

I turn my head back to the flowers, grabbing the vase, and walking over to the sink, dumping out the old water and replacing it with fresh water.

"We are going to match tonight," I tell him, unwrapping the pink flowers from the plastic.

Harry bends over slightly, resting his elbows on the counter, "Is that so?"

"I picked out a black dress for tonight," I tell him, placing the flowers into the vase. I turn my head to him, his eyes watching my every move.

Harry pushes off the counter, standing up straight, "You'll look better than me that's for sure. Cute that we accidentally matched, however."

I wave my hand, turning, so my body faces him, "Don't say that. You look very handsome tonight." I close the space between us, lifting my hands up to gently rest against his chest. I lift my head up to meet Harry's eyes. After a few moments of silence between us, Harry leans his head down, his lips meeting mine.

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