"Okay, so this might have a small chance of being actually true." Pope said as JJ got up pulling me away from John b and hugging him himself.

"Dude, it's like King Tut." Kie mentioned.

"I am a genuis. Hey, whoa!" John b said as JJ hugged him.

"Hello! Fire! You're near the fire. You're gonna burn." I said stepping between the fire and my brother so nothing bad happened to him at least.

"I'm so proud of you right now." JJ said to John b before turning around, "And Belladonna."

He engulfed me in a hug spinning me around as he stumbled away from the fire. I have to admit, mine and JJ's relationship is different from any other sister brother relationship.

"What's the plan?" Pope asked as JJ put me down.

"Good question." John b said as he looked at Pope before pointing at me, "Bella, you have the honors."

"Why thank you." I laughed, "Anyways, Sarah is coming tonight. She'll bring an original survey map--"

"Hold on." Kie said cutting me off, right they aren't friends, "Sarah? Wh-why Sarah?"

"This is gonna be good." JJ mumbled.

"Sarah, um, she--she got us into the archieves in Chapel Hill yesterday, and that's where JB got the letter." I explained, but that didn't seem to calm Kie down any more.

"You two were in Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron?" Kie asked confused.

"Yeah, um--" John b stumbled over his words as he looked at me.

"She got him to mack on my sister." JJ said throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh god." I mumbled.

"I wasn't macking." John b defended himself.

"You were totally macking my sister." JJ said as I laughed.

"You were though." I smiled over at him, and I could see the blush through the darkness.

"Okay, okay, me and Bella kissed, Sarah might have something to do with it, but that's not the point." John b said, finally loosing his cool, "I was using her for access."

"Did you tell her about the treasure?" Kie asked.

"I was trying to get into the archieves." John b continued.

"Is that a yes?" Kie asked looking at me, because she wasn't sure she could trust John b.

But now she might not be able to trust me. It's not like I did anything wrong but Sarah and Kie hate each other.

"W-we left out key details." I explained rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yo, what?!" Kie shouted, "You let a Kook in on our secret?"

"Your a fucking kook!" I shouted finally having enough of all of it, I get that her and Sarah never got along but Sarah's my best friend, "Sure you can walk around with us, you can hang out with us, but you will always be a kook. ALWAYS!"

"Your practically a kook." Kie shouted as she pointed at me, "I mean don't tell me you haven't told JJ about the papers and the ring!"

My eyes went wide at her words, and I could hear a shocked laugh come from JJ. But it's true, before all this started Ward Camron got adoption papers for me, and dad did sign them. Said he needed one less kid in the house, but I could never leave JJ. So I never signed the paper.

"Wow, you didn't tell him." She laughed as my fists clenched together.

"No I didn't tell him!" I shouted tears threating to spill.

"What is she talking about? Bella?" JJ asked as he stepped down from the log he was standing on, "Bella? What papers w-what ring?"

"JJ, can we...can we talk about this somewhere else?" I asked, chocking on a sob.

I grabbed his hand taking him away from the others as John b and Kie continued to argue over the Sarah thing. I can't believe Kie did that to me.

We got in the Twinkie and I opened up one of the seats. JJ looked at me confused as he sat down. I grabbed a small backpack from inside the seat, it's a compartment only I know about.

I handed him the backpack as he opened it up. He pulled out a peice fo paper, and a small red box.

"What's this?" He asked confused.

"Um... so when Sarah found out about dad, she told Ward." I explained as JJ unfolded the paper, "And um, he offered to get me out of the house. Offered to make me a Camron."

"And?" He asked shocked.

"And when I refused because I didn't want to leave you, he got the paper signed himself." I explaiend as JJ eyes went wide, "But I still declined the offer, and then he had an arranged marrige set up between me and Rafe."

"Wait what?" He asked confused.

"Just listen, the oppotion was mine. I decline both, and he still bothers me about it." I explained as JJ brought me into a hug for no reason, "I'm sorry I never told you..."

"No, it's okay." JJ said as he patted my knee, "But why'd you keep everything?"

"Because um...I don't know. I thought that maybe it would be a way out. And I would need it eventually." I explained when the door opened and the rest of the pouges got in.

My Brother's Bestfriend // John b Routlage Where stories live. Discover now