31- Aunty's doctor appointment

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Savannah's pov

We woke up in the afternoon and soon joined everyone for lunch. I felt fresh, calm and loved. Once day in and I'm already relaxed. Lucy made sure what and how much I wanted is given. Be it care, support or love. He made this life much more better, with the ongoing problems and stress I imagined him growing distanced and ride but I was fortunately wrong. I have found my home in a person, his arms are my safe home.

After lunch Tyler went to take a nap and Lucy excused to make some business calls. Aunt Melanie was at her neighbor's for some important work. Reeh an I were watching tv when I decided to ask her about their relation. "What's going on between you and Tyler? I'm sorry I got so caught up in my problems that I didn't make time for you" she held my hand and replied, "no worries Anna it's okay, and about me and Tyler" she took a pause before continuing "its just a start." Before I ask what does that mean she explained more precisely.

"After you guys introduced us, he met me at the University and took me out for a coffee. It felt so good to be in his company and from there started the daily calls and texts. It was good that way but we wanted to spend more time together and stay at a same place to know how it feels" a small smile formed on her lips before she continued, "after spending just one night together I already know I like him too much and want to spend days with him beside me." Her blush made me soo happy, I closed the gap and whisper yelled, "I want to know more."

She chuckled and continued, "as we planned a vacation for you and Lucifer he suggested we should join too. He said after this trip if we feel better together, we will move in. After last night I guess he feels the same way but we haven't talked yet. We just cuddled and kissed but sleeping in his arms was the best feeling I had till date." The smile and glow on Reeh's face depicted her true feelings for Tyler. I hugged her and made a promise to be there for her whenever required.

She went to wake Tyler up to go out with him while I went to see my husband. I miss being in his company anyways. As I reached our room he was busy on a call so I waited till it ends. A few minutes later he came and kisses me slowly to which I responded immediately. "Hello baby sorry I had to make some calls" I shook my head in no and assured him, "that's fine babe I was with Reeh anyways. They both are maybe going out for shopping." He made me sit on the bed with him and asked, "do you want to join them too?"

I was not in the mood of shopping so I denied, "no not really in the mood of shopping, we can watch a movie and cuddle for sometime if thats okay with you" I asked with a small pout knowing already he would do anything I want him to do with me. We love spending time with each other no matter what we are doing together. He took the laptop and arranged the blankets before ushering me to join him. I quickly occupied the place between his legs and we enjoyed the movie for a while.

There was a knock on our door half way through the film and Lucy got up to answer. Aunt Melanie was standing on the other side with a dull smile, it made us worry for her. Lucy ushered her in and she got seated on the couch before informing, "I have an appointment with my cardiologist, Rihanna didn't knew and went out. She wanted to drive back here but I denied, I don't want to bother but can you please tag along?" her hopeful eyes made me more worried about her. Ofcourse we will accompany her.

I glanced Lucy's way and he blinked his eyes saying we will. "Yes aunty of ofcourse we will accompany you, just give us a few minutes to change" she smiled gratefully and left the room. Soon we were at the nearby hospital and the receptionist asked us to wait until the Dr calls for us. A few minutes later I along with aunty entered the cabin while Lucifer waited outside. It was just a routine checkup after the heart surgery aunty had a month back.

When we came out Lucy was no where to be found. I called him once, twice, thrice but he didn't pick up. When I thought of calling Tyler, a frantic looking Lucifer entered my vision. I held him and asked what's wrong when he replied, "they are here Anna, they are here in that cabin" he pointed to the door at the end of the hallway. "Who are you talking about Lucifer? Please calm down and tell me what's wrong" he took a deep breath and repeated, "they are here, your guardian parents Anna, they are here."

His words blurred my vision and I took hold of his hand. My guardian parents who were missing are here, right in this hospital. I wanted to get them arrested, hazily I uttered "don't let them run this time. Call the police till the time we take hold of them." I will make sure they don't run this time. Lucy was still shocked but called anyways. In the meantime I explained aunt Melanie the whole situation. She was ready to help and I know exactly how I'll make them stay.

I explained the whole plan to Lucifer and aunty, they were ready at their places and we were just waiting for the police to arrive. If everything goes according to the plan we will get hold of them and I will get the chance to finally have my answers. The answers to my pain, suffering and bad days. I called and informed Tyler and Reeh and they were too on their way to the hospital. We need to inform the police back home too so I texted Lucifer to let Alex know the situation. He will further inform the police.

My 21st Bday🖤Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat