Chapter 7

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Meanwhile, Beth heads to the casino (u'll find out why, later!) She's captured by the thief who drags her out onto the balcony! "Forget blowing up this place...I'll toss her off if my demands aren't met!" he threatens the cops who've surrounded him. "Drop the guns or I'll drop her!" he threatens as he climbs onto the ledge. The scared cops drop their guns."Oops!" the thief yells as he drops Beth off the ledge! "Noooo!!!" Q yells. Sal rushes towards the ledge & quickly grabs her arm as she falls! "Gotcha!!" Sal cries out." My saviour!" Beth sighs & looks up at him, smiling. Meanwhile, the thief jumps off & opens his parachute. Unfortunately, a gust of wind blows him towards the power lines & he's electrocuted! Sal pulls Beth up & hugs her. "I'm so sorry I said all those mean things to u!" Sal apologizes. "I forgive u! U saved my life, Sal!" Beth accepts his apology. Q accompanies her to the parked ambulance to get first aid for her arm (she injured it when Sal was pulling her up the ledge.)

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