They both looked my way, both shocked. "W-who are you?" The man slurred, obviously drunk.

"Amelia! This is not your battle!" Her eyes pleased with me to leave. But I also saw... hope, hope that I would ignore her words and help her anyways. I stepped forward stubbornly.

"Let her go and I'll tell you who I am." I said in reply to the man.

"Get outta here you bitch!" He slurred once more.

"Let. Her. Go." I felt my anger bubbling to the surface, my heart rate keeping the pace of a jackhammer and my breath short and shallow. "Or else."

"Or else what?" He asked, amused. He thinks I'm joking.

I clenched my fists even tighter, if that was humanly possible. I felt a dull stinging in my palms but chose to ignore it. "You don't want to know..." I seethed, feeling my anger surge and my body starting to tingle, taking away any fear or reluctance.

He flung Destine aside and I felt something in me snap. I lunged at and straddled him and started punching him in the face repeatedly. Everything got blurry soon as I blacked out.

Darcie and I became really fast friends even though she never spoke. She was the only person that wanted me around and the silence between us was always comfortable.

One day though, a man and a woman came and took her. I was back to being alone. She hugged me goodbye and whispered something I couldn't make out. I was so shocked that she had spoken that I stood there in the middle of the threshold, dumbfounded.

After a while every thing became clear and I realized I was being dragged off the man who's face was now swollen, bruised and bloodied. I looked at my hands but as soon as glimpsed at my aching hands they were deftly brought behind my back.

I was thrown in the back of a car, and they soon drove off with me. I heard Destine's voice as they carried me away...

"She saved me!"

I soon arrived at the station and they threw me in a cell. "You'll be spending the night here if someone doesn't make bail. You need a phone call?" The tall officer asked. I chuckled slightly at him. I had no friends nor family. "No no, I'm fine." He looked a bit taken aback at my decline but eventually shrugged it off as nothing. They didn't even care to ask what had happened between me and the man, they just left me here.

This is all because of Destine, if I had just heeded her warning, I wouldn't be in this predicament. At the same time though, I shuddered to think where that man was taking her, or what he was planning to do with her. I didn't want that on my shoulders, not when I know I could've done something.

A couple hours passed and I soon dozed off on the hard bed.

Everyday after Darcie left I lay in my bed doing one of two things; crying my eyes out or wondering what she told me on the day she left.

The other kids there, one especially, Peter, would always pick on me and called me a baby. It made me so angry, but I never did anything... until one day when I punched him in the face. Miss Vermont was very disappointed, but none of the other kids ever bothered me ever again.

A year later a man with blonde hair and a woman with similar hair color came up to me and started talking to me, asking me questions. I soon realized that they wanted me to be apart of their family. I wasn't very excited to go with them but a month later I was in their home, apart of their family.

I was startled awake by the cell door being opened. I groggily sat up and looked at the wall clock in the station.


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