"Right, somewhere far. I can see that."

Tsuna gaze trailed off to his clothes. It's western alright. Dress clothes, pants and suspenders. It's obviously not the same thing he wore before bed and it's sure as hell wasn't his. He doesn't remember owning this type of clothes among his several hundreds of clothes at home.

He was also cladded in an orange haori which he also doesn't recall ever owned. But piecing together whatever clues he have, it's either he was in Japan or Europe but then again, wearing Haori in the Europe seemed weird so...

"Ok, so I'm in Japan, what's next?" He mumbled.

Well, there's nothing to do here so the next thing that he should do is find a settlement to figure out a way home.

"Should I run...? Eh, let's just walk." Tsuna walked for a few meter and stopped again. "On a second thought, let's go to sleep."

This is considered free time and Tsuna will not let this chance to sleep go away. There's almost to no free time back home since there's always paperworks that greeted him everyday without fail, courtesy of his desructive guardians.

"Ah, this looks like a nice place to sleep" Tsuna said out loud at the cozy looking roots. He sighed in relief as he settled in between them and sinking into the bed-like-snow.

He began to nod off when suddenly he heard a twig snapping. His intuition didn't say anything so he ignored it.

However he couldn't ignore the heavy sensation of something climbing into his laps.

Tsuna snapped his eyes opened in startlement to see a fox nuzzling his cheek. He almost flinched at it's cold nose. Tsuna huffed, It seemed like it the nuzzling won't be stopping any soon now.

From the corner of his eyes, in the distance, he could spot a group of rabbits and deers creeping closer to him in wary yet curiousity.

'They must have sensed my sky flames.' Tsuna patted the rabbit's soft head that boldly approached him. It happily pushed his head forward, telling him to continue.

As if it's a signal, they began to flock near him and now Tsuna had personally became their bed. He's not complaining though, he's now warm from all their body heat and can finally sleep with peace.

He softly exhaled, warm breath escaped from the mouth to the opened air. The darkness and the sound of the wind managed to lull him to sleep.

Just as he was about to be drag to the dream world, his intuition pinged and his head automatically tilted to the right, following his intuition's warning.


He can feel the tree behind him cracked from the impact.

His eyes snapped open into a narrowed glare as he quickly stood up in a defensive manner. The animals had already scattered the moment they sensed danger.

Tsuna spared a longing look at where he was sleeping before turning toward a person who tried to harm him the moment he was vulnerable and trying to disturb his sleep.

He blinked when he saw a horned man with marks on his face with sharp teeths and claws.

"I don't know who you are but can't you just leave me be?" Tsuna asked almost lamently.

With all the things that ever happened to him, at this point, Tsuna isn't even surprised if the person before him is not human or that he was planning to kill him.

Everyday is a danger and life threatening with or without Reborn by his side and that's a well known fact.

Putting that aside, said person seemed to wear a disheveled yukata, which proved that he was right about being in Japan.

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