Jam POV 

It was the middle of the busiest part of the day and orders were coming in at a constant rate. The kitchen was a rush of people moving food cooked and uncooked around, I was busy cooking up whatever dish that was needed when Su(No relation to the Flame Chaser) came in. Coming to where I was and saying, 

"Let me take over for you Jam, you've been working a lot lately." 

"Thanks, very much is there anything you need done." 

Laughing Su replies 

"There's a guy towards the back that just got here, go get his order."

"Got it!" heading out of the kitchen quickly passing through the eating area before seeing who Su was talking about. Sitting in the back of the room was a very handsome man, long blond hair that was tied into a high pony tail and his hair perfectly framing his face. His eyes were a beautiful blend of blue and green. Not to mention he was wearing a uniform, who doesn't like a man in a uniform. 

When he took a sip of his tea he looked so dignified and gentlemanly. Remembering what I was supposed to do, walked up to him and said, 

"My my what does the handsome man like to eat at this fine establishment?" 

St. Freya-3rd person POV

We see a small girl with white hair and blue eyes in a nun's outfit sitting at a desk that seemed too large for her. This is Theresa Apocalypse, current Schicksal Far East Branch Commander and the principal of St. Freya High. Currently she was doing paperwork at her overly sized desk, focused on the task at hand she didn't notice Murata Himeko enter her office. 

Walking over to the desk at slamming her hand onto the desk. Theresa's reaction was one of hilarity, surprised by the sudden noise she let out a high pitched "AH"  and juggling her pen for a bit before settling down. Looking up to see Himeko leaning on her desk, recovering before speaking, 

"I assume you have completed your patrol major." 

Nonchalantly tilting her head to the side to look at Theresa, 

"You assume correct, but there is something I need from you. " 

Puzzled at the sudden request by Himeko Theresa couldn't help but ask, 

"And what would that be?" 

"I need you to get someone's information for me." 

Now confused at the request Theresa locked eyes with Himeko, 

"Why would you need someones information? What happened on the patrol where you need to do this?"

"Someone had managed to reach the reported Honkai beasts before I did. Did it fairly quickly as well." 

Bringing up a screen and navigated to where personal information was stored, 

"May I have the name or any physical descriptors?" 

"He said his name was Ky Kiske, apparently he's 17 as well." 

Now thoroughly confused with this entire situation, Theresa began searching for Ky Kiske in the database. After a couple of minute's of searching Theresa was able to find the name they were looking for, 

"Is this him?" 

Walking behind the desk in order to get a clear view Himeko looked at the image before confirming, 

"Yes, this is the guy." 

"Ky Kiske, human male, 17 years old, 172 cms(5 feet 8 inches), 58 kg(128 lbs), blood type AB, born in France, date of birth November 20 1998," 

"Anything about his whereabouts or any organizations he may be apart of?" 

"He was orphaned at the age of 5 and went missing for five years." 

Himeko raising an eyebrow at this motioned for Theresa to continue reading. 

"Was then seen with the Sacred Order of Holy Knights for the next six years til the Order's recent disbandment." 

"Well that explains his uniform then, does it say what places  he was seen in." 

"Well he was seen last in Rome, Barletta, Paris, Marseille, Strasbourg, London, Gloucester, Birmingham and was reported in multiple countries in the Middle East and  multiple times in the  countryside of Shenzou." 

"Damn he's been around, should probably update it to say sighted in Soukai City." 

"If that's all you needed you may take your leave." 

"Well thanks for the help Principal." 

Himeko walks out of the office and closes the door as she leaves. Taking on look at Ky's profile before closing it and sighing, 

"Back to where I was before." 

Author's notes: 

I hope that chapter was enjoyable, this was my first time writing in a 1st person point of view and I hope I didn't mess anything up. If I did feel free to tell me in the comments. Any of the Guilty Gear fans did you like that I included Jam even if it was short and kind of a joke scenario. If you did tell me if there is anyone else you would like to be included and I will try my best to include them as long as they can fit into Honkai Impact's lore. 

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