Start from the beginning

I am nearly sickened watching the aquatic monstrosities tear the meat into tiny pieces and fight each other over the morsels. I start to physically withdraw and can feel my stomach churn in the wrong direction. I need to get away from here and now. I prepare to take to flying out of this nightmare.

A hand claps on my shoulder and a shiver runs down my spine as I check my step. "Beautiful," aren't they?" Cleus, the possessor of the hand asks. "So wonderful in their sheer savagery, wouldn't you say?"

I crane my neck. "Yes grandmother," I reply despite not agreeing as I swallow at a hard lump in my throat. "They certainly are wondrous creatures."

After that we both fall silent. The goddess of water is simply too proud to speak and I'm trying to keep from retching. I'm only too happy that I don't consume food else I'd likely never eat again. As I stand there, not daring to move under the weight of the hand still on my shoulder, I notice something from the corner of my eye.

A drip of red runs down Cleus' lip. I don't dare ask about it for fear of the answer and return my eyes to the feeding frenzy still taking place in the water below. The more I watch the less I am enthralled and would have given anything for an excuse that would have taken me away, even a planet wide crisis.

"Ah, I could watch these creatures all day," Cleus gushes and pats my shoulder. "Alas we are goddesses and have responsibilities to see to."

I give a nod that in no way shows my appreciation over being released and fly away at a respectable speed until I'm far enough away and blast myself to the moon. Here I let myself decompress and do my utmost to wash all the images out of my head while I gaze upon the stars and I stay there till another meeting is called.

We all gather and this time it's Creus who has a surprise. "Dear family," he announces to all and takes center stage. "I have come up with my own creation, a miracle if you will, far superior to that of a simple fish girl. One that can cross both earth and sky."

"Well," Cleus says as she steps forward. "Where is this miracle of yours?"

A wide smile crosses Creus' lips. He whistles and a strange being flies into the midst of us. It's a man, as is evident by his nakedness, with massive wings. "A true companion," he continues as he displays the specimen. "One that can follow me anywhere."

"Not under the sea," Cleus snips and crosses her arms.

"And why should I want to go there?" Creus throws the notion back in her face and fixes her with a hard gaze.

Cleus is silent. She'd fallen for his trap, twice.

This time I don't have any words to cheer her with and watch as she slowly fades away while others approach the anomaly. I follow after her as she retreats to her part of the world. I follow after and catch her, just as she's about to delve beneath the waves where her inner-sanctum lies, away from prying eyes.

"Grandmother," I address her, my hands taking hers. "It may be true that grandfather's creation is superior when it comes to walking or flying, but it's simply not a pretty creature. The hard features of a man, the ugly wings of an ugly bird. It simply cannot compare."

Cleus throws her arms about me. "Thank you," she says, tears in her eyes.

We hold each other tight for some time, till both our tears run dry. Then we part company and I head for the moon. I need to do some thinking and there's no place better for it. I'm surprised to find someone already there. Slowly, I approach and stand beside them, as they gaze into the outer recess.

"It's wonderful, isn't it," Rajesh speaks without looking away.

"Most beautiful," I return, but there are matters other than the stars on my mind. "Great aunt, where did you come from?"

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