The Man at The Bar

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Written on May 28th, 2022

Damon steps out of his car into the crisp evening air. He shivers a bit as a breeze hits him, walking towards his favorite bar.

He comes here three times a week, and it's always a fun time, however he wishes he had a friend to go with. But he was fine just observing, watching everyone else have fun and socialize, as he stood in the corner and tapped his foot to the music. Drinking until he was numb.

He steps into the bar and peeks towards the stage. It's Friday, which means a live band will be performing tonight. He sees a few people on the stage, setting up their instruments. He walks over to the counter and orders a whiskey, leaning onto his elbow and sighing as he waits for his drink to be made. He watches a drunk couple argue and laughs to himself. The bartender slides a glass towards him, smiling before moving on to take the next person's order.

Damon sips his whiskey, looking back at the stage. There's a man with long dark hair standing next to the mic, looking around the room nervously.

The man clears his throat into the mic. "Hey-." He stops as the speakers buzz loudly. He turns to his band mate and raises an eyebrow. His band mate shrugs.

He turns to the mic again and says, "Hello," There's no buzzing this time.
"Alright uh- we're. Nine Inch Nails and this song is called Wish."

The drummer starts drumming and the singer hangs onto the mic, staring at the floor and bopping his head on beat. The people in the bar begin gathering around the stage, but Damon stays at his bar stool, still sipping his whiskey.

He watches as the man begins singing. He is instantly flabbergasted. This man's voice is like nothing he's ever heard before. He's in awe, watching the man aggressively sing as he slides his hands up and down the mic stand. Damon wishes he was that mic stand.

When the chorus comes on, Damon almost falls out of his chair. It's absolutely marvelous. He can't believe he has the pleasure of watching this man in action. His eyes widen and his heart pounds in his chest as he watches the man perform, and he grips his whisky glass as hard as he can.

The song ends, and another instantly begins, leaving no time for cheering.

The singer runs a hand through his hair, "This is a cover of one of my favorite songs. It's called Physical." He says.

No way. Could he mean Physical by Adam Ant? Damon's first crush? The brit can't believe it.

The bass is heavy, the crowd is in shock, and the singer is the sexiest man Damon's ever seen in his life. He begins singing again and Damon is absolutely head over heels.

Then, to the blue eyed twink's surprise, the dark haired man looks right at him as he sings the second line; "I wanna take you out."

It's a brief glance, but it's enough to make Damon fall out of his chair.

He picks himself up off the floor, embarrassed, and pulls himself up back up into his chair.

He takes a deep breath and focuses back on the man. To his surprise, the sexy singer is still looking in his direction. He grins a little before looking away.

Damon shakes in his seat, nearly choking on his own tongue. His eyes begin to water and his breath becomes irregular.

He tries to calm down as the chorus comes on, taking another sip of his whiskey. He watches the bartender make a drink, trying to shift his focus away from the singer so he doesn't pass out. But then he hears a suspicious sound and his ears start ringing.

He quickly turns his head back in the direction of the stage, where the singer is breathing heavily into the mic and batting his eyes in the direction of Damon. Now, he is definitely doing this on purpose.

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