yeah yeah singing challenge 😎😎🤞(S)

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Again this one shot is set in the 20s 🐓  btw this has nothing to do with the story but omfg I made a whole ass chapter getting to the smut right I was 1000 words in and it all got deleted 😐 I'm so pissed iff anyways here's the new one ig😐

bennys POV: 

Me and the boys was playing baseball and y/n was sitting at dugout on the phone with her bsf Hannah y/n never played much. but when she did she was great

i taught her how to play longgg time ago, i still give her tips every now and then and she comes early to practice with me. y/n been my best friend since she

moved here ngl i liked her for a long time now i just didn't know when to tell her i mea-

"benny! c'mon man what's up with you, you been lacking off the whole week you- oh my god. do you like someone?" "what? benny like someone? kenny your pulling my leg there is no way in the world

would benny have a crush on someone." ham stopped talking i was confused on why and then all the boys said "he can't like someone because all he does is play baseball that's all he cares about

he would never have time for girls if anything he would be a bad boyfriend" "says the jet himself mr.rodriguez" they all bow after their last words "alright guys quit it" i said and we got back to playing

"benny its way to hot man, can we take 5?" "yea go ahead" we all went over to dugout i sat next to y/n "hi y/n" "hi benny! isn't it to hot to be playing today?" "what do-" "yea benny isn't it?"

ham cut me off "alright guys if it that's hot what do we do?" i asked they all looked at each other besides y/n and yelled "POOL DAY!!" "i could live with that. what about you benny?" she asked all i can think of was her in a two piece

fuck was it hot. i needed it and i was gonna get it. "yea sure." i said the boys ran out to go to their house's and get ready it was just me and y/n she rested her head on my shoulder

and started to play with my fingers "what are you doing?" "nothing." she continued "you have nice fingers rodriguez" "do i?" "yea" we sat like this for a bit "we should probably go get ready"

"yea i'll walk you to yours?" "sure" we started walking and i wrapped my arm around her shoulder "i don't really see what the boys see in wendy man" "how? wendy's pretty every boy likes her" oh y/n. how dumb could you be.

"no no i mean she's pretty yea just not my type" "ahh i see" we got to her house "welp this shall be your stop?" "it shall be" "i shall see you in ten?" "shall be 15" "as it shall be 15" "yes it shall" "i shall see you in 15 m'lady" "i shall see

you in 15 " she took my cap off and ruffled my hair "y/n!" i said as she ran into her house "stupid." i smirked and looked down walking to mine her house wasn't fair it was right next door to mine

i walked in and went into the kitchen i grabbed my jersey,grabbed my phone and put them aside i locked my door

and changed into my swimming trunks,
(i hate that word sm) and threw on a shirt i put on my jersey,put back on my black converse,tied them, grabbed a towel and my

phone and walked to the front door "MOM IM LEAVING I'LL BE BACK SOON" "BYE BENNY" i walked out and went over to y/n's house and sat on her front yard i pulled out my phone and texted the gc

benny rodriguez one shots😽🤭Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon