Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kiss: NCGtBaLG Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Chapter 1: Cultivating Tip 1: Starting the Journey of a Goddess

You all probably know about Nanami Momozono, and how she became a human land goddess by now, if you have read the romance comedy manga, or watched the series you would know. She was a bright young girl, but due to her gambling addiction and cheapskate of a father, she had to live with less than ideal standards. Now we know how the story goes, her deadbeat dad ran away, making Nnami lose her home, and being evicted from her home. Now she's at a bench at a park at night, cursing her father out, goes through hardships and helps save Tomoe and marries him, after he becomes human. Let's see what happens when she meets not one god on that fateful night, but three, and flip the script on Nanami instead. This should be entertaining.

"DAMN YOU OLD MAN! IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN, I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU TO HELL!" Nanami shouted in pure anger in the air , letting her frustration of her father out.

"Someone help!" came a cry of a man, surprising Nanami. She could also hear a dog barking. She looked to see a blonde, almost white, hair man in a trench coat in a tree while a dog was barking at him. "Please, you gotta help me! Can you please get that dog out of here!?"

Nanami walked up to the dog and shooed the dog away. It did so, running away. The man climbed down, letting out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you so much. You're a true lifesaver, miss. I had just come back to this town with some friends for the first time in a while, and that dog jumped out of nowhere and barked at me."

"So, you must be afraid of dogs?" Nanami asked him.

"Yeah, kinda."

"Yo! Mikage!" came another male voice farther up, making the two look and see two people walking to them.

One was the guy that called to the now named Mikage, waving to him. They had flaming red spiky hair and sideburns, blue-green colored eyes, and what looked like a punk rocker look to them. His face almost looked like a monkey, an eclectic guitar slung over his shoulder, as well as its case on his back.

"I'm so glad we found you," came the voice of the second person, who was female.

The female had long waist raven hair that almost looked green in the right light, sea green colored eyes, and had on casual winter dress attire, ones that were for nice walks. It had flower patterns on the dress. She had a natural beauty that most women would mourn over.

"H-Hey Gaia, Sun, sorry for running off like that," Mikage apologized to the two.

The now name Sun shrugged. "Guess the neighbors weren't too kind to see you back after so long~" he teased his friend.

Mikage pouted to Sun. "You're so mean..."

Gaia giggled at the two's antics, then spotted Nanami. "I take it you helped out our friend here?"

"Yeah, it wasn't too much trouble," Nanami replied back.

"Are you a local person yourself, miss?" Mikage asked his savior.

"Y-yes I am........unfortunately not for long." Nanami said while lowering her head.

"What happened dear?" Gaia asked, sounding worried.

Nanami then explained to the three all about what happened and how she lost her home thanks to her father's debt and ran away, getting her evicted from her home.

"Geez... your father was a right piece of work," Sun stated, leaning on the back of the park bench they were all round/on.

"Yeah, he is. I always loved my dad no matter what he did, even still when he abandoned me....... I can't get so angry at my father. He may have caused me to have a lot of debts, abandoned me on a journey and lost our house, he's still my father." Nanami sadly said with a smile on her face.

Kamisama Hajimemashita/Kiss: Nanami'sCultivatingGuidetoBecoming a Land GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now