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Your eyes were glued to the TV paying attention to nothing else besides the drama that played in front of you. The two leading characters stood facing each other with stars in their eyes. You watched intensely as both actors leaned closer together. Their actions caused you to also lean in closer to the TV. Any closer and your eyes really would have been touching the screen. The suspense was high on both ends. Yours and the people on screen. Everything seemed to play in slow motion for you. Then before the characters lips touched the male lead hugged the female.

"NOOOOOO!!! WHYYYY! YOU FINALLY HAD YOUR CHANCE!" You whined as the ending credits played. Although you had seen this particular drama more times than you could count, that scene never failed to make you react the same way each time. The door swung opened a figure flying through the doorway only to come to a sudden halt. "Oh...I thought something terrible happened." a voice said. "How many times have you seen this anyway?" You turned to look at your brother who is now sitting on your bed. "I lost count." You answered laying down.

Before the conversation could go any further your phone rang. Had you not seen the name of the caller you probably would've just let it ring just to listen to the song that played. "Yoon be quiet." You ordered before answering the phone. Yoon rolled his eyes as you brought your phone to your ear.

"Hey Felix." You greeted. In your peripheral vision you noticed your brother's ears perk up upon hearing who was on the other end. "Hey Y/N. How are you?" Felix's deep voice said through the phone. You turned your head making direct eye contact with your brother. Yoon's eyes screaming at you to turn on the speaker. "I'm good. What about you?" You answered Felix putting him on speaker phone.

"I'm good as well. Is your brother with you?" Felix asked. "Yo Felix!" Your brother called out causing you to roll your own eyes. Felix greeted your brother just in time for you to take him off speaker. Sitting up on the bed you continued your own conversation.

"Do you need anything Lix?"
"Everyone was wondering if you were going to be busy for valentines."
"I'm not. Unless you count binge watching drama and feeling single while doing so busy, then I am." You joked.
Felix let out a low chuckle at what you said. By this point the annoying Yoon was long gone off doing his own thing. "Well since you won't be busy, me and everyone else wants to know if you can come over and spend the day with us." You lit up at the thought of spending Valentine's Day with your friends and not stuck at home with your brother. "I'll be there." You answered already planning what you'll wear tomorrow.

The conversation ended not to long after the invitation. Didn't take long for your brother to come back into your room. This time he had a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. You raised your brow silently questioning the male that once again sat on your bed. "What? You don't expect me to binge watch a drama without a snack do you? Hurry up and play the next episode." Yoon defended himself. Grabbing a handful of his buttery snack you grabbed the TV remote with the other and played the next episode of your drama.

The two of you binge watched the entire rest of the series and even made it halfway through a new one before calling it quits for the night. Both siblings pinky promising the other not to watch any further episodes without one another. What you start watching together, you finish together. That's always been the rule.

One by one each of the eight males got to work setting things up for Y/N's arrival. The dorm was decorated with paper heart chains taped along the doors. One even hung over the entrance to the dining and kitchen area. The sweet smell of food and freshly baked brownies filled the air. The boys made sure there were plenty of games, snacks, heck Hyunjin and Seungmin even found some dramas for you all to pick from.

Stray Kids Oneshots/ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя