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Sorry guys this is long overdue and there may be some spelling or grammar errors but im going to go through it and check later.

I wake up to my alarm ringing loudly in my ear and groan as I reach over to turn it off and bury my head back into my pillow. My eyes open in realisation as I realise today is the day. Even though my head is banging from tiredness and I can barely open my eyes I get out of my comfy bed and switch on the light. I squint my eyes and wait until they've adjusted to the bright light. I pick up my list and quickly scan it.

I make my way to the bathroom and take a shower, the refreshing cold water helping me wake up. I rinse my hair with shampoo and conditioner and apply body scrub and shower gel all over my now tan skin. 'Hey Alexa, play "this girl" on Spotify', I say to set the mood while I get ready. I tie my hair up into a bun and quickly brush my teeth. I put on my favourite bra and pants set from primark in pink and put on a cropped white shirt and some nike pro shorts. I decide to layer some cream joggers over my shorts since its freezing in the uk and find some fluffy socks to wear. I put on all my jewellery and put a spare hair bobble on my wrist just in case. I add a bit of concealer and mascara to my eyes and make my way into the kitchen.

I have no other choice but to get food at the airport since thees absolutely no food in, not even coffee which I'm also gonna have to get at the airport. I get a bottle of water and return to my room to pack a few more things. I pack my toothbrush, all my skincare and shower gels and shampoo eat and do a last minute check around the apartment. I pause my music and see I've got a text from Jude saying he'll be 15 minutes and decide to sit on the sofa and relax.

No messages, as usual. I scroll through my instagram feed and see some bitch I went to school with. 'Omg, I wish I was going to Qatar for the World Cup, I wish I could see Jude'. Wow, she's always been obsessed with my younger brother even when it was illegal and apparently still is 3 years later. Now Jude is 19 he's had a lot more attention off of girls, especially since he plays for England and Birmingham. I wish I could say the same for myself, I'm 22 and have had 2 boyfriends in my life, one that lasted 2 months and another that lasted a year and a half. They didn't end well either, I got cheated on in both which has definitely put me off looking for a boyfriend.

I lie back on my couch and stare at the ceiling. I hear the door knock and Jude steps in before I have time to answer. I do a quick check around my apartment and make sure all the lights and taps are off and go and get my coat and shoes. Jude takes my suitcase down the stairs for me and puts it in his car. The whole time he's smiling and its adorable. "Excited?", I ask him as we get into the car and I connect to his aux.

"I can't wait", he says smiling even more than before. I play some music and we drive in silence for a while and although he seems happy about going he also seems off.

"You okay?", I ask him.

He sighs, "Me and Jessica broke up last night", looking at the road and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh", I reply, not knowing what else to say. I can't really say I feel bad, I hated that bitch, she was a manipulative, controlling, obsessive, ugly freak.

"Yeah, I mean I always knew you didn't like her, and she could sometimes be a bit weird but," he pauses for a second, thinking how to word it, "I'm definitely gonna miss her".

"You shouldn't", I start, not wanting to be too negative about her since he clearly still likes her, "Who broke up with who?".

"She broke up with me", I make a pfft sound and he quickly glances at me before continuing, "It was after she cancelled coming to Qatar, her reasoning for cancelling was her ex boyfriend wanted to see her this weekend and she said shed rather see him than go watch stupid football in a random country. But now I'm glad she cancelled, at least now I actually have a fan with me who knows what team I play for." He smiles at me and that makes me feel a little better knowing he doesn't sound too sad about it. It makes me a little sad he only just told me now and i wonder if he told anyone else. It's probably in the news or something by now.

After an hour or two of driving, were finally there and soon enough pull into the airport car park. I climb out of the car and shiver at the sudden gust of wind, I can't wait for this weather to be over. The sky is only just starting to lighten and there's a slight line of yellow running along the horizon. Jude hands me my suitcase from the boot and I get my hand luggage, aka a bag with a book, gum, passport, headphones and my phone in. I pull my socks further up my legs in attempt to keep my legs warm in the morning coldness. It must be 1 degrees or something.

We hurry into the airport and as soon as went enter I see the entire England team. Southgate waves us other smiling. "Just on time, Jude", he pauses and looks over at me, "And summer, I'm sorry I didn't realise you were coming I thought it was Jess, its lovely to see you again", he says pulling me into a hug. The res of the team steer away from their conversations and start talking to Jude. "Right we're just waiting on a few more then, then we can start checking in".

Jude introduces me to some players I've never met before but most of them I've met before. One of them being Trent. Ive never met him in real life before but apparently he's become very good friends with my brother recently. He's a very skilled right-back and plays for Liverpool, which if it weren't for Jude playing for Birmingham I would probably support them. He's even more gorgeous in real life too. I almost start blushing when he starts talking to me. "Summer, right?".

"Yeah that's me", I smile at him, Jude becomes distracted talking to other people and leaves us alone, "Im surprised I haven't met you yet, my brother seems to have become good friends with you recently".

"Yeah we have, I've been waiting to meet you, Jude talks about you a lot", he makes me want to collapse as he talks. Im barely able to keep the conversation going from nervousness.

"Oh really?", I laugh, "I'll definitely have to ask him about that later", god I feel so awkward talking to him but I have no clue what to say. Im talking to one of the beautifulest men ever and Im being the most boring bitch ever.

"I have coffee now I'm in a better mood", a long brown haired girl exclaims as she appears from behind Trent. "Oh, who's this?", she asks. Oh, I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I don't even take back everything that I said, he is gorgeous. So is his girlfriend.

"Oh, you're back", he exclaimed, "This is Summer, Judes sister, she's coming as well".

"Oh hi, its lovely to meet you, finally a girl omg, I thought I was gonna be stuck here alone", she seems nice so far, "Im Ava, Trents sister". I silently thank god and nearly scream from happiness.

"Oh hi, its lovely to meet you", i say smiling at her, "Its nice to know there's another girl here too".

"I was thinking the same thing", she smiles back, offering her hand for a handshake. I accept the polite introduction and i already know im going to like her. "I cant say im complaining though, there are some fittys", she whispers slightly in avoidance of her brother standing next to her.

As much as i hate to, i say goodbye and go find Jude at the sound of Southgate getting everyone together.

We make it through baggage and security rather quickly and i can already feel my stomach rumbling. The feeling of anxiousness and nervousness builds up in my stomach, i figure food would help me feel a lot better. I part ways from Jude who isn't hungry and go to look for the nicest restaurant i can. Being the kind brother he is (and millionaire), he gave me some money for the trip since he knew i wasn't doing the best recently. I am forever grateful to my brother, hes helped me so much even though hes the younger sibling. It feels the wrong way around.

I decide on Wagamamas because who doesnt love Wagamamas for breakfast. I sit down with my food and start reading my book while begin to think i should've brought more than one since im already halfway through. I eat my noodles in peace and enjoy the relaxing time in the airport before the flight.

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