Chapter 2 ~ Orpheus

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In a certain room in the dormitory...

No One's POV

"How is she?" The old gentleman asks as he enters as the mature woman with red hair opens up a new panel. "It took us a while to put it onto the secret camera since she covered the main camera..." The main camera panel showed the picture Minako taped onto the lens, a shitty drawn penis and the middle finger. "Kinda surprise she did that, however, I don't know her that well to begin with..." The other young person piped up from her seat, "It's not exactly against the rules but I will have to talk to her about it. Anyway, she seems to be asleep. Mr. Chairman, do you think she's..." "No need to be hasty, we'll see in a bit as the Dark Hour is slowly approaching..."

Somewhere else...

A man is listening to loud music with a beer in hand. Others are nearby as they are dancing to the music, paying no mind to this man. "Man, this sucks..." taking a sim of his beer, the music from the radio ends. "KJ Radios presents the Bay Tuners. Tune in again next week for more of the hits." "This program is brought to you by Kirijo Electronics. Kirijo Electronics, always there where you need them. The time is now, midnight."


Dark Hour

The dancing people transform into coffins, making the drinking man stand up in shock. "Huh...? What the..." Was all he could mutter before his head began to drip black goo. "What's... happening...! Ahh, ahh... ARGH!"

Back at a certain room in the dormitory...

As the room was tinted with green by the light of the moon coming from the window, Minako is still sleeping soundly. "Huh? She has retained her human form. The Dark Hour is an unnatural phenomenon that happens at midnight every night, you could say it's the hidden hour. Normally, humans transmogrify into coffins. But, if the human retains their human form, they would pray on them. The fact that she hasn't been prayed on by now..." Ikutsuki inquired, making Yukari pipe up yet again. "Does that mean she..." "We'll just have to see..." Mitsuru had a serious look on her face as she looked into the monitor showing Minako, still peacefully sleeping. "I feel kinda bad though... spying on her like this..."

Minako's POV

I was in the backseat with my brother as our parents were in the front driving. "Nato~Nii! You think Kitsune~San will come back?" I was upset because I lost my fox plush at the diner, "Don't worry Minachi! Kitsune~San will come back, hang in there!" My brother reassured me by holding my hand so I gave him a huge smile. With his warm hand in mine, I drifted off.

A happy memory of mine...



"Master Minako Arisato..."

I opened my eyes and my surroundings aren't anything I recognise. I was in a blue, giant elevator that's going up with a huge clock on the wall. There were three doors on both my left and right as I sat on a chair with a lyre as the backrest. In front of me was a table and chair with someone sitting on the chair. An old man with thinning hair, in a tux and a long nose. "Welcome to the Velvet Room my dear guest... my name is Igor, I am delighted to make your acquaintance..." Okay... not creepy at all... "This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter... only those who have signed a contract can enter this place..." The paper I signed the other day appears on the table.

'I choseth this fate with my own free will.'
'Arisato Minako'

"Henceforth, you shall be welcomed here in the Velvet Room. You are destined to hone your unique ability, and you will require my help to do so. I only ask one thing in return... that you abide by your contract, and assume responsibility for the choices you make." I think I get it but at the same time, I don't. "Is this a dream?" I ask with uncertainty in my voice, "Precisely... you are fast asleep in the real world as we speak. This visit or yours is merely a dream. However, you will come here of your own accord, sooner or later. Hold onto this..." A key appeared and went onto my wrist. It turned into a charm bracelet. "There is still one more resident of this room, who unfortunately could not be present for your arrival. But I'll make sure you two are properly introduced. Another time, perhaps. 'Til we meet again..." And with his parting words, the Velvet Room faded away as I heard my alarm from my phone.

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