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They said it's less painful to lose something precious to you one by one..
But I've lost them all... Each of them.. they left me one by one..

They said it's less painful.. but why is it? Why is it so painful losing each of them?..
It hurts so bad.. my heart feels like it'll explode.. They left their traces in this place..

I'm alone.. and the people I care and loved.. Left me here all alone..
They said it's less painful to lose something precious to you one by one..

It isn't true.. I lost everything that's mine.. each one of them is gone in my hands..
They left me all alone.. suffering all by myself.. it wasn't less painful...

They'll leave you an extreme heavy pain in your heart... They were the only reason..
The reason why I'm alive.. How can I live..? In a world that'll make me feel more pain...

                                                                  Writer: K. Veon

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