1: highschool

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Currently walking to school. The cool breeze hit against my face and body making me have a small shiver. My hair was styled after hours of fixing it at home it's probably now messed up again due to the breeze. My outfit was baggy. I put absolutely zero effort in it. High Schoolers don't care about what you do and what you wear so why give a thought to them.

I walked onto the campus but not fully onto the campus I was on campus but not in the school. I look down on the floor seeing the black spots which were gum spots that were stepped on over and over again. Suddenly my thoughts went to a boy that I had small feelings for. I didn't think I would catch feelings for him since his popularity was sky rock high up over the whole solar system and he had many girls after him.

Anyways enough! I can't talk about him anymore! Or else I'll like him even more than I already do! Anyways! I made it into school. Passing the school gate walking to the qund. I met up with two of my friends. Jia and jie. Instead of calling Jie by her name we call her Je. The e is silent so basically it's J but she wants it as Je. I don't know why but.. she does.

"After an entire year you decided to come?! The bell is already about to ring!"

Jia spoke to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Girl don't start! The bell doesn't ring until 8:40 and it just turned 8:26! So we have exactly 14 more minutes left. "

I said proudly of my smart elementary calculations while crossing my arms.

" Okay I'm just saying.. but I wouldn't take that level of disrespect but that's just me."

He held her hands up in defense slightly hiding her giggles from Jia so she doesn't get hit by her to put her in check.

I met these girls on the first day of middle school. I met Jia and Je in my 6th period class which was history class. When I was entering the classroom she was already sitting next to Je because the teacher didn't assign seats. He just told us to sit down somewhere so I went up to the two girls. 'hey is there someone sitting here? ' I asked and they responded.
'No you can sit here.' with a happy smile on her face. I have never seen a person that is happy to meet with someone new.

" Shut up. Let's go to the bathroom I need to go to fix my makeup."

Jia interrupted my small flashback.

" Imagine being fake!! "

Je teased to Jia.

" What are you talking about lady! I'm only wearing mascara and lip gloss!! "

She said turning around to walk towards the bathroom still having her arms crossed. Her legs started moving making her move away but then we went after her following her.

" Still changes your appearance!"

Je yelled after her while looking at me with her eyes but her body facing forward.

" Right Y/n!? Me and Y/n are natural beauty and naturally pretty. "

Je held her face in her hands and smiled at me.

" Je that's not nice! You wear makeup too. "

I said bluty with a straight face.

" No I don't."

"You do your eyebrows, you also wear mascara and lip gloss, you even do your whole face of foundation, bronzer, blush, highlighter, you bake your fa-"

I get suddenly cut off with a shut up by Je.

" Be quiet, you're just jealous that I wear makeup and you don't."

She flipped her hair at me. How dare she! The disrespect!

" Whatever."

I said giving her a disgusting look back.


Getting out of math class with Jia we waited for her to get out since her classroom is next to ours. Her teacher keeps her and her classmates back after the dismissal bell another 2 more minutes so we wait for her outside. Then students spilled through the door and of course they pushed and shoved us on the way out. Je was the last one out and she hugged us.

"I miss you guys soo much!!"

She immediately said as I slowly patted her back with my free hand instead of full on hugging her since I'm not a physical touch person.

"Je we didn't see each other for 46 minutes. It hasn't  even been an hour yet."

I stated.

Je pulled away and gave me a dirty look before to Jia and only giving her a hug.

I sighed shaking my head and after the sentimental moment we walked to the lunch line.

(I'm probably going to update this later)
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