Denki and Mina, who appear pale, anxious, and exhausted, stand to the right of me; Mina in a chair next to the IV drip with eyes puffy from tears, and Denki standing right by my side, his hand desperately clasping mine that lays limp on the bed. I've never seen those two so upset before.

I read Mina's lips since her voice doesn't sound through the ringing, 'Are you okay?'

It takes me a moment to understand what she's asking. I nod. It's really slow.

Mina's eyes well up more.

The ringing suddenly stops.

I'm alert.

"What's going on..?" I ask. My voice is hoarse, raspy, though my mouth isn't dry. I reach my left hand up to touch my throat, but it doesn't move.

Recovery Girl pats me, drawing my attention to herself who's on my left. She looks upset, frustrated, and relieved all at the same time. "We have a lot to discuss. For now, you should speak with your classmates. I'll give you twenty minutes while I speak with principal Nezu." She turns to Izuku, "Press this call light button if anything happens, okay?"

Izuku nods, "I will."

I'm nervous...

Anxiety eats away at me as I watch Recovery Girl exit the room.

"I'm so sorry!" Denki suddenly blurts, his eyes welling up as his lips wobble with his words, "I shouldn't have left you there- I should have warned you. I didn't think you would- I thought...!" his voice cracks, the tears overflow, "I thought...!" he breaks down, crumbling onto the space on the bed beside me, "I thought you were gonna die!"

Kirishima frowns, unprecedented shock in his eyes as he urges Denki to his feet with gentle pulls, getting nowhere.

I crinkle my brows in worry, placing my hand on Denki's back as he sobs into the sheets, "Denki, it's okay... It's not your fault. I'm okay..." I coax, gently patting his shoulder in hopes to calm him down.

It doesn't.

"No, you're not!" Mina wails in devastation, breaking down just as Denki had. Mina's cries of apology become muffled behind her hands as she buries her face in her palms. Momo wraps her arms around her, murmuring words of comfort into her ear.

I look at Izuku, feeling nothing but worry and confusion.

"What's going on...?" I ask cautiously, stress eating away at me.

Izuku's face is dressed in concern, he parts his lips to speak only for Ida to chime in, "You could have died," he begins, pushing his glasses up as he looks at me.

His eyes are slightly swollen. He's been crying.

"Don't you have any idea what could have happened had Denki not come to get you?" Ida snaps, gritting his teeth behind pressed lips. He looks like he's trying to keep himself together, "Running off like that in the middle of the night? No- even later, without telling anyone of your whereabouts? Does that sound like appropriate conduct to you?"

I can feel my eyes widen, my lips part to speak.

Ida's glare hardens, his fists tense at his sides, "Not one of you three had made a single person aware of your plans. I know you're all adults and you should be able to do as you please, but you are also students of this academy, which makes you responsible for following school rules. And as class president, I'm responsible for all of you! According to school conduct and the student handbook, you are supposed to be accounted for after hours and I'm supposed to keep you all in order. You didn't say a word! On top of that; illegal use of your quirk, Y/n? Did you not just get your registration Friday evening? Only to run around handing it out like it's no big deal? Did you forget the effects it has on you when you're not taking care of yourself? You left yourself completely helpless! What on earth were you thinking? Were you even thinking at all-?"

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