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The next morning, after dealing with Dustin's excitement about his costume - Stanz, from Ghost Busters - Antionette retreated to the library to get in some last minute studying, and of course, Steve had accompanied her. Somewhere along the way, she found her pencil was too blunt, so she walked over to the sharpener. As she was stood there, yet again, she was approached by the new boy.

"Hey there, mystery girl." He smirked.

"What do you want now?" She sighed.

"To know if you're going to Tina's party tonight." She stopped what she was doing to look at him.

"Y'know this is a library, right? So technically speaking, you should shut up."

"Oo, feisty." He said, his eyes not-so-subtly raking down her body. "I guess I'll see you there then, huh?"

"Maybe you will." She shrugged, as he turned to walk away.

"Who the hell is that?" Another voice spoke, and she turned her head, meeting the jealous eyes of Steve.

"Just some guy." She said, about to resume sharpening her pencil, when she was taken by the arm and pulled into the library's office. "What's the matter with you?" She huffed, as he shut the door, and closed down the blinds before turning to look at her.

"Who was that?"

"He's just a guy." She said again.

"What did he want?"

"To know if I was going to Tina's party."

"What did you tell him?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"He was flirting with you."

"What?" She scoffed. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious! He was totally flirting with you, and you were all over it."

"I've talked to him, wha- twice? He's nice, but we we're just talking, Jesus."

"Oh please, you like having his attention."

"And what if I do, huh?" She shrugged, and he stopped.


"So what if I like the attention, what's so wrong with that. He's not babysitting me, or y'know spoon feeding me, telling me to go to bed... he's making me feel pretty... and wanted. He's not wrapping me up in bubble wrap all the time, because since the accident, that's all I get." She shrugged. "It's not like I'm dragging him off somewhere to have sex with him, Steve, it's an exchange of words, and if you don't like that, then it's you with the problem."



"You're the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, why do you need him to see that?"

"You won't touch me." She said, out right. "And I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I'm starting to think that it's just me that you don't want."

"Are you crazy? Of course I want you, you're the only thing in this world that I do want." She shook her head, looking to the floor as she released a sigh. "Henderson!"

"What?!" She huffed, looking back up at him. He took a sudden step towards her, crashing his lips against hers as he took her face in his hands. She knew how mad he was. She could feel it, taste it almost. But that only made his kiss strong with need, and all she could do was melt. If she wasn't holding onto him, she very well might've sunk to her knees. The kiss quickly grew loving, and tender, and they simply wished they weren't in the library. And the only reason they remembered they were in the library was down to the sudden sounding of the bell that began to ring so abruptly that it almost startled them. He leaned away from her kiss, still caressing her cheeks as he met her gaze.

"Stay away from that guy, okay."


"Promise me." She let out a sigh, nodding, not having the strength to argue over this.



Both Steve and Toni climbed out of the car, looking up at the house that had people spilling out of every doorway, and music pouring into the streets.

"Ready?" She smiled, grabbing his hand.

"As ready as I can be." He shrugged, as the two went inside. The very first thing she saw was Billy Hargrove. He was shirtless, and had beer dripping from his chin, down his torso. He made eye contact with her, sending her a smirk and a wink, that caused her to grimace. "Seems like he's pretty desperate for your attention." Steve said, bitterly.

"Don't be like that." She told him. "Don't think about him, just enjoy the party, okay."

"Yeah, okay. Just make sure you're not alone with him." She shook her head, wandering off to see if she could get her hands on some alcohol. When she finally did, she lifted the cup to her lips, drinking it down.

"Happy birthday to me."


A few hours had gone by, and Toni had totally vanished. It was as if she hadn't even attended this party at all. Steve had gone looking for her, recruiting Nancy and Johnathan to help track her down. After finding she wasn't in the house, they ventured outside, where they actually did happen upon her - she was with Billy. She was hysterical, and he was attempting to calm her, to no avail. Her eyes were darting around as if she knew he was there but she couldn't see him. Nancy, Steve and Johnathan quickly approached to find out what was going on, and it was evident that Steve didn't like this guy with his hands on Toni, full stop, as he shoved him away. Nancy took hold of Toni, reassuring her she was alright, and she wasn't in any immediate danger. However, a fight for Alpha male was about to break out, and Johnathan was having to referee it.

"What's your problem, man?!" Billy spat.

"I don't like you holding my girlfriend like that." Steve warned.

"Your girlfriend?" He scoffed. "Is that why you don't pay attention to her when she wanders out into the street, huh?"


"I watched her stumble out here! She's terrified of something... and I wouldn't be surprised if its you, Harrington."

"Why don't you say that again, see what happens."

"Oh my god!" Nancy called. "Does it matter who found her or who's dating her or who watches her every move? She's clearly not okay, and you're fighting over her like little boys that don't know how to share. Grow up!"

"We should get her home." Johnathan spoke.

"Come on, Toni. Let's get you to bed." Nancy said softly, taking her hand and leading her to Jonathan's car.

"Hey." Johnathan said, collaring Steve before he could vanish in a strop. "What's this really about?"

"He's into her, I know he is. And he's trying to take her from me."

"I think you're a little paranoid."

"No, I'm serious. She's the best thing I have going and I'm not gonna lose her to that guy." He said, successfully walking away.


"I don't know what's happening to me." Toni whimpered, as Nancy sat on the edge of her bed, gently combing her fingers through her hair. "It's like- like I was in some kinda... a haunted house except... except I- I was the ghost."

"We'll figure it out." Johnathan told her, leaning against the bedroom door. "You're not alone. Just know that." She nodded, a stray tear dripping down her face.

"I'm scared." She admitted.

"That's okay." Nancy smiled. "I've got you now, just close your eyes."

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