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Credit to snowbutterfly 


Jonathan and Eddie's thing honestly has no reason to exist. It mostly just came about as the two freaks hovered around each other. Both were alone as their lovers were more into each other than them. They found that they enjoyed each other's company, smoking weed and swapping music.

It's a casual relationship used for a good time more than anything. It was only natural for it to evolve. It started as kisses and make-outs between hits of their blunt, and it wasn't long before they became familiar with every part of each other's body.

But as time goes on, that starts to feel less and less true. Their every moment together means more than the last. And as a natural result, their intimate times together begin to be more than mindless sex.

Eddie is in Jonathan's bedroom, rocking out to a Metallica song, air guitar and all, with Jonathan on the bed, watching with an amused smile. They're the only ones in the house, so the music can go as loud as they want.

Jonathan laughs as Eddie leans as far back as he can, shredding his air guitar with the song. He finishes by throwing his arms wide as if showing off to his audience of one, holding up his fake guitar.

"Still not as good as the clash," Jonathan says as the song fades out, turning down the music.

"I will convert you yet, Byers."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say." Jonathan rolls his eyes, trying to ignore just how nice it is to have Eddie around. When they first started, there was nothing like this. They would fuck and then leave with little else.

Eddie's smile fades somewhat, and he stares off into the distance. He doesn't even react when Jonathan swaps out the Metalica for The Smiths, which is more concerning than anything.

"You okay?" Jonathan asks.

"Hmm?" says Eddie, turning to look at him, "Yeah, I'm good. Just spaced out for a second...."

"Okay," Jonathan says, "And that doesn't happen to do with you just showing up at my window earlier?" While Eddie is spontaneous, he usually at least calls if he wants to come over when they haven't planned for it. He's meticulous about pacing and schedules, which is why he's such a good DM. Eddie scoffs.

"Why do you think, Byers? I'm horny." He says it like it's supposed to be a joke, but no one laughs.

"And yet you haven't touched me. What's going on?" Jonathan pats the bed next to him, inviting him to sit. Eddie sits but reaches over to slip his hand under Jonathan's shirt.

"Hey, no," Jonathan says, moving Eddie's hand away, "You're not getting out of this." Eddie pulls his hand away with a pout that's cuter than it should be.

"But you just said-"

"I meant that you're acting weird. You have something on your mind." Eddie sighs, and he's quiet for a long moment. If it were anybody else confronting him, he'd have already told them to shut up and drop it. But there's something about Jonathan that makes that feel so wrong.

"I saw them. At the park," Eddie says. Jonathan doesn't have to ask who he's talking about.


"They, uh, seemed happy. They even waved at me. Or he did."

"And how do you feel about that?" Jonathan asks in a carefully level voice.

"I don't know! Weird? You're not my shrink!" Eddie quickly deflates, sighing and rubbing his face. "Sorry," he says much softer.

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