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I huffed as it sat on top of my very full suitcase that could not possibly fit anymore clothes in, feeling relaxed as I took a deep breath. The sun was now starting to set along the green horizon and I realised how long I've actually been packing for. I probably should have packed earlier than the day before but due to the very short notice from my brother I had no choice. Im very grateful he asked me though, even though I was second choice because of his girlfriend cancelling, but I can't wait. The amount of people i'll meet and games i'll watch and views i'll see. I am also happy for my brother too, this is his first World Cup and I couldn't be more proud. 

I stand up from sitting on my suitcase and stretch my back feeling all the tension release immediately. I walk over to the balcony and move the softly flowing curtains to see the darkening sky fade into the blush pink. I love sunsets. I look around and the street has dimmed nearly completely causing the amber streetlights to cascade on below. The wind rustled the leaves and the strong breeze sent shivers down my spine. I took one last breath and quickly shut the door and hurried back into my room and into the safety of my warm bed. 

In 17 hours I will be boarding the plane to paradise. God I can't wait for the warm weather. Any free time I have away from the matches I will be in the sea or tanning. I get out of my bed and stand above my suitcase and place my hands on my hips. I mentally try to think of anything I could possibly be missing but I can't think of anything. I've probably packed way too much actually. I quickly make a note of things I will need to pack tomorrow morning like toothbrush and paste, skincare, charger, teddy bear, ect. After I'm done I finally come to the conclusion I've finished packing and make my way to my kitchen. 

I open the fridge, not a single food or drink it inside it but only condiments and a whole cabbage. I usually do my food shops today but due to the fact I was told yesterday that I am actually going I figured there was no point. I look down at my pink onesie and erase the thought of going to the shop for things and decide on takeaway, which only requires me moving the space of 10 feet to answer the door. I ring up the place and order a pepperoni pizza and chips and go check I definitely have brown sauce, which thank god I do. 

I flick off the lights and jump onto the sofa, wrapping myself up in a soft blanket and opening Netflix. I select Lucifer (of course) and drool over him for the next 45 minutes until my pizza arrives. I pay the delivery man and sit back down with my pizza, happier than ever. I drizzle brown sauce over my pizza which many people find gross but tastes absolutely amazing. I eat my pizza while I watch tom ellis bless my tv screen and gradually begin to feel tired from my stressful day of packing and panicking. 

I check the time to see its 9pm and use my next hour or so to shower, shave, wash my hair, tan, do my skincare and exfoliate. At 10.24 I'm finally done and dry my hair and apply some moisturiser. I change into my pyjamas which is extremely difficult since I've packed nearly every clothing item I own and end up sleeping in an old dressing gown I forgot I had. I turn of the lights and jump onto my bed and scurry under the covers feeling extremely excited to be in my comfy bed with freshly shaven legs and happy to be going to Qatar tomorrow. 

I open my phone for the first time today and see a message from Jude. 'I'll be there for 6 tomorrow. Hope you're excited, I can't wait.' I aw inside at his message and reply by saying 'Okay, I can't wait either, feels surreal". I switch off my phone and set an alarm for 5am, leaving me with 7 hours of sleep which isn't so bad and I can always sleep on the plane. After a few hours I finally drift of from not being able to sleep to excitement. I dream of the hot sun, fittys, unlimited matches, free hotel and infinite food. 

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