You had to put that worry aside when your name was called by the professor. At least one good news had come out that day and the hat had put you in Gryffindor, along with Katie. You two were getting ready to follow the prefects to the dorms when you overheard a conversation between two Slytherin boys.

"Did you hear? It seems that Malfoy has started to see Colours now during the ceremony." You flinched at the words that at some point you already knew you would hear.

"Really?! And who is it?”

"He doesn't know, it happened when he looked at a group of people.”

"Wow, what bad luck!" The other boy nodded.

You felt your trapped breath release in relief. That was the miracle you needed, you couldn't believe how lucky you were. That was the solution to your problems, if he didn't know you just wouldn't say anything. You could live a life without a soulmate, but couldn't live a life with a Malfoy.

Keeping the secret was certainly the best option, you decided.

Six years have passed since your best kept secret, and no one has ever learned of it. You couldn't risk that information to be out there. Neither your parents, your best friend Katie, nor even the smell of your amortentia could get that information out of you. If no one knew, it wasn't true, or so you thought.

Sixth year was known to be one of the most stressful ones at Hogwarts, but you didn't expect it to be that exhausting. You roamed the castle trying to hide from Hermione who felt that the four-hour study session wasn't enough to prepare for the tests. It was late at night and you shouldn't be out of the dorm, but you needed a mental break that you wouldn't find in the overcrowded Gryffindor room.

Exhaustion was starting to get to you physically, yawns coming involuntarily and bags under your eyes getting bigger every day. You needed to find a way to rest, or you would end the school year as a skeleton. You had intended to reach the gardens for some fresh air, but a sudden change of plans had to be made when you heard Filch approaching in the next hallway.

You climbed the astronomy tower stairs as fast as you could. Madame Norra, Filch's cat, had a strange aversion to the place so he would never look for you there. You slowly opened the wooden door, trying hard not to make any noise, but had to stifle a scream with your hand as you realised you weren't alone.

In the light of the few candles that lit the place, you recognized the blonde hair and the arrogant posture. Malfoy leaned against the sill watching the night sky, his melancholy expression quickly replaced by one of surprise.

"Fuck!" You muttered to yourself, you knew you were stuck there for at least a few minutes, and it couldn't be with a worse person.

Over the years at Hogwarts  you had become an expert at avoiding Draco Malfoy. Changing your classes, the route you took to the common room, and even your mealtimes had all been designed to be as far away from him as possible. Still, moments like these sometimes happened, and they were always a disaster.

Draco didn't take it easy on you either, he always had a mean comment or an insulting nickname on the tip of his tongue, that's when he didn't elaborate complex lines about how inferior you were and laughed at your face. Strangely, at that moment he looked like a different version then the one you knew, much different.

“Were you crying?” You asked not caring about the rudeness, there was no politeness when it came to the two of you.

"I cry just from seeing that ugly face of yours." He replied, turning his gaze to the sky "Go away, I got here first."

"I'd love to get away from you, but right now it's impossible. I'm running from Filch." You explained to him.

Draco sighed, seeming unwilling to tease you as he always did, which was an unprecedented event.

Colours of my soul (Oneshot series)Where stories live. Discover now