Some Notes and a Quick Word

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Hello all, thanks again for checking out Undersea! I would classify this book as dystopian science fiction maybe?  (Though not exclusively so.)  Comment if you have thoughts on this.

Undersea is 50,000 words in length, give or take, and is my first attempt at writing anything so long.  I invite you to comment about and on anything you'd like, so please don't hold back!  I have broad shoulders.😊

*I have also drawn maps of the city and The Big House on the Hill and would be willing to include them in this book if there is interest.  (Though I'm not quite sure how to do that or how that might look).

So without further ado thank you for are now headed into the depths! 

UnderseaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα