Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven
"Elijah isn't my dad"

It was four years since Mikaelson left their village

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It was four years since Mikaelson left their village. Astrid was eight years old.

Today Klaus decided to tell Astrid Elijah is her dad.
He took her to the field of roses, one she spend most of her time playing and running around in.
Roses are her favorite not because she was named after them but because they were her mothers favorite.

"Dad, what do you need to speak to me about?", Astrid questioned, a puzzled look on her face.

"Astrid I know this will come as a shock to you but I can not delay it any longer.", Klaus said with sad look on his face. This is last moment of Astrid looking at him as her dad, last moment of her calling him dad. He didn't want to let that go but she needed to know the truth.

"This is when you tell her Elijah's her dad, isn't it?", Jeremy asked.

"Yes.", Klaus said thinking back at that day and the breakdown Astrid had.

"She probably hated you because you didn't tell her.", Alaric said smugly and others laughed. But some of them like Stefan, Caroline and her mother knew that wouldn't happen.

"Dad, what is it? I do not like the look you have.", Astrid said fearing that maybe he finally decided to listen to Elijah and leave her.

"I am not your father.", Klaus said as Astrid gaped at him.

"What are you talking about? Of course you are. Who else would be?", She said laughing like it was some joke which she thought it was.

"Elijah is your father not me.", Klaus said.

"No. No. No. He is not. He is not my dad. You are. This just a bad bad bad joke.", She said tears falling from her eyes, "Please tell me it is a joke."

Klaus hugged her and she let it all out. She cried and after few minutes she let out a scream. Roses started to die, a few trees falled like someone cut them and birds dropped dead.

"That happend just because you screamed?", Liz asked suprised how much power this girl had.

"One time I even burned the whole village.", Astrid said nonchalantly.

"You probably enjoyed burning it. You are Klaus's daughter after all.", Elena said.

"I was a teenager. I had a tantrum because a girl ruined my favorite dress. It was an acident. Don't be hypocritical Elena. You forgave Damon for practily raping Caroline. He compelled her to sleep with meaning she didn't want to. So basiclly rape.", Astrid said as everyone else looked at Damon. Liz looked like she wanted to kill him.

"YOU RAPED HER.", Stefan yelled at his brother and stood up, "You know Katherine is actually better person then you. She might've compelled us but atleast not to sleep with her. If you ever again judge what other people do remember that you raped an innocent girl.", Stefan ranted and sat back down. Caroline smiled at him and so did Liz, happy that her daughter had such great friend and one day hopefully something more.

"And you call us evil.", Dad said, "In my thosand years of living I never ever compelled a girl to have sex with me. None of us did. Your a bigger monster than we are Damon.", Dad tounted. Damon was about to attack but I vamp speed to him amd snap his neck.

Klaus and Astrid stayed there for awhile longer but when it began to get dark they made their way to the village.

When they entered the hut others were already there. Astrid was tired so she layed down on the simple bed.

She turned to Klaus and said "Good night dad. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. Sleep well."

Others looked suprised when she called him dad since they thought Klaus was going to tell her today.

They waited until Astrid fell asleep.

"I thought you would tell her today.", Finn said looking at Klaus.

"I did."

"Then why is she still calling you dad?", Rebekah asked.

"It seems you enjoy being Astrid's father brother.", Kol said.

"I do. So what?", Klaus said getting angry but trying to stay calm so he does not wake Astrid.

"Who would take care of me otherwise."

"We would.", Rebekah said.

"You?", I asked with bitterness and sarcasm in my voice, "Finn and Elijah would ignore me. Kol can't be responsible for a minute. He wouldn't stop me from doing stupid things, he would give me an idea to do it and then help me with it and Rebekah, you would view me as a friend not a kid you need to take care of."

The four of them looked away because they knew I was speaking the truth.

"Nik you need to stop being her dad. We have to push her to Elijah so they became closer. Elijah will love her once they get closer.", Rebekah said.

"Rebekah, you seriously believe Elijah will change his mind about Astrid. He insults her every chance he gets. Do you have any idea how many stories I had to make up in a second to cover up Elijah's insults.", Klaus ranted trying to keep his voice down so he doesn't wake up Astrid.

After that day nobody said anything about Astrid calling Klaus dad. They just let it be.

Rebekah did try to make Astrid and Elijah closer but after failing to do it a number of times she finally gave up realising that Klaus will always be Astrid's dad and no one will ever change that.

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