Chapter 11 ~ Whispers of the Shack

Start from the beginning

Y/n stepped forward, her heart beating faster, "You will not speak to her like that, Malfoy. Hermione is worth a hundred of you and your petty insults." Ron's defeated expression transformed into one of pride, and he stood taller, ready to back up his friend.

Malfoy's smirk faltered. "You'll pay for your disrespect,"

Y/n despised this aspect of Malfoy, the way he carried himself with a sense of entitlement, believing he was superior just because of his Pureblood lineage and prestigious family name. The very sight of him, strutting around filled her with a mixture of frustration and resentment.Y/n longed to show Malfoy that his beliefs were nothing but a facade of arrogance. She yearned to find a way to teach him, to make him understand that true worth was not measured by one's bloodline or social standing. But how could she possibly achieve such a feat?

Suddenly, a snowball struck Malfoy's arm. The three Slytherin boys frantically searched for the source of the attack. "Who's there?" Malfoy demanded, fear in his voice. Another snowball came flying at him, causing him to wince in pain. "Don't stand there! Do something!" Malfoy barked at Crabbe who looked dumbfounded.

Y/n was caught off guard, but soon realized the source of the commotion. Crabbe had fallen into the snow, his pants pulled down. Malfoy tripped over him and went tumbling down the hill.

Harry, who was hidden under his cloak, took advantage of the situation and grabbed Malfoy's legs, pulling him towards the Shrieking Shack. Malfoy's screams echoed through the air and Ron called out from behind, "What's up, Malfoy? Lost your skis?"

Harry let go, and Malfoy sprinted up the hill, pushing his friends out of the way. Hermione and Y/n erupted into laughter, while Ron's expression was one of fear as the pom-poms of his hat floated in the air.

"Harry!" Hermione called.

"Blood hell Harry. That was not funny." Ron said relieved.

Harry explained what the Weasley Twins gave him, and how he entered Hogsmeade undetected. "Those Weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map" Ron grumbled.

"Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall. Aren't you?" Hermione asked.

"Sure, along with this invisibility cloak," Ron replied with a hint of sarcasm.

As they were speaking, they noticed Madam Rosmerta hanging a signboard outside the pub. As the Minister of Magic arrived with Hagrid, Madam Rosmerta expressed her frustration about the Ministry sending Dementors into her pub regularly. "Ron fancies her." Hermione smiled as Ron denied her claims.

Professor McGonagall appeared on the scene, and the four of them watched closely as the Minister whispered Harry's name. McGonagall hushed Madam Rosmerta and crowded inside.

Before they knew it, Harry had put on his invisibility cloak and snuck into the pub. Hermione, Ron and Y/n tried to follow, but the skulls guarding the entrance were rude and forced them away. "What a bunch of thickheads" Ron sighed.

All they could do was wait for Harry.

The door burst open and Y/n rose to her feet. Harry left a trail of footprints in the snow and he pushed his way past a choir of students, sending many of them tumbling to the ground. Y/n, Ron, and Hermione hastened after him.

Harry found a secluded spot and took a seat on a large stone. Hermione approached him cautiously and knelt by his side, removing his cloak. Harry was torn between a feeling of anger and sadness as he spoke, his voice echoing through the trees. "He was their friend...he betrayed them. He was their friend!" Harry yelled, his eyes blazing with rage. "I hope he finds me. When he does, I will be ready. I will kill him!" The determination in his eyes was palpable.

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