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Oooh I got the best idea everrrr, ok have y'all watched Luca? It's like that but Peter can willingly change on land or else he feels all scratchy but in water he automatically changes

Peter was swimming in the ocean by the compound far enough down that people couldn't see him.

The ocean was boreing and to far down it got dark, there were no people to talk to and nothing to entertain yourself with

But he had to at least once a day for a hour, did he do this? Not really only untill the scratchyness of his skin became unbearable

He swam fluently to the sand and ran drying himself off under the sun quickly transforming back into Peter Parker

His mother was a sea creature and his father knew about it they always told him to hide who he was and he knew why

Then they died in a plane crash and he went to very human may and Ben

And he loved them and they loved the very 'human' him

So he never told them

Then Ben died in a gunshooting and blood got all over Peters hands

Then he had to wash it off and blood got underneath his scales

Peter changed into non-wet cloths aka the spiderman suit

To put it simply Peter is alot of things and he doesn't want fish boy on his resume or reason he's killed

Swinging through the city he stopped local crimes like robberys and even a drug bust

That's what made Peter feel human, even if he was doing it with webs and wallcrawling

He stopped by his aunt's ate supper and left to stark industrys

He went down his apartment steps and met happy who was in a classic black car with tinted windows

"Hey kid" happy greeted as Peter got in the back

"Hey happy"

The drive was filled with Peters happy ramble about some new experiment he was working on with Mr stark

"And if we up the percentage by just 15% Tony's repulser blast should be able to-"

"Were here" happy says and Peter looks up through the window and low and behold Starks tower

Peter hope out and enters the big building into the elevator

"Morning Friday" Peter chirps happily

"Good morning Peter"

The elevator stops and Peter makes his way to tony Starks personal lab

He opens the door to see tony hunched over an Ironman glove

"Oh hey kid" tony says when he looks up "hows your aunt"

Tony continues conversation as Peter sits down getting situated

They were working on a more eco friendly repelsor and we're cutting the wires filled with bi-degradeble oil when tony slipped and oil spewed over Peters hand

"Whoops" tony laughed "sorry kid there's a sink over in the corner a-la previous eye was station" tony pointed to a sink and counter cluttered with granola wrappers and blueprints

Peter turned ghost white his eyes widening "um, I can use the one in the bathroom no biggy I'd hate to accedently ruin the um,blue prints"

Tony raised an eyebrow "that's all the way down the hall plus the blueprints are on the countery part your good"

Peter nodded and hopes Tony wouldn't look makeing him less suspicious of he just followed through

But now he already looked suspicious so he took longer walking over and turning on the tap

He looked behind him and tony was back over the gauntlet and he quickly rinsed the oil of his hand

The orangish yellowish scales covering his hand as the black oil ran down the drain

He quickly turned the water off and searched for a papper towel finding a roll he hastily started to dry his hand turning around

Only to see tony starring at him leaning against the desk with a repulser aimed at him

"Yeah ok 'peter' I'm gonna need you to explain what the hell you are cuz my kid doesn't have a orange hand"


"Uhhhh" Peter stared at tony gaping like a fish "what do you mean?" Peter pulled the towel away and showed tony his now normal hand

Tony walked over and grabbed Peters hand with the gauntlet wielding hand holding it out and rolled up the sleeve there were a few specks of yellow scales from the water that he hadn't dried yet and Peter knew it was all over now

Tony reached his other hand to touch one of Peter scales and Peter let him but then tony pulled at the scale slightly and Peter yelped attempting to pull his arm back with no success

"I can get the Hulk in here in 2 seconds so you better explain now"

"Just let go and I'll leave ok?" Peter tried to compromise

"No" tony said flately

Peter tried to squirm away but tony held on tighter "this isn't my first rodeo kid where's. is. Peter"

Peter gave up "if I tell you, promise you won't hurt me?" Peters wide eyes stared into Tony's calculateing ones

"Fine" tony answered but didn't release his hand

"I am Peter Mr stark I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I promise I'm not bad"

Tony loosened his grip a little bit "explain, what are you?"

"Um I dont know my mom was also a sea creature like me but..."

"She died" tony sighed

By now Peters scales where gone and Tony let go of Peters hands "your really Peter?"

Peter nodded fast and tony went back to his desk

"So what does entail" tony asked and Peter went back and sat down

"you've already seen the turning under water thing, annnd I get scratchy if I'm dry to long that's kinda it"

Tony nodded and picked up his glass of water "can you put your hand in this" tony asked

Peters eyes squinted at the glass as he looked back up at tony

"Sure?" Peter put his fist and tony watched as the scales instantly turned shining yellow and orange

"I can kinda turn on command out of water but my scales feel itchy dry"

Tony gestured to Peters wrist "may I?" Peter picked his hand out of the water and put it in Tony's hand

Tony examined it and let his gaurd down a little looking at Peter softly "sorry about pulling that scale kid"

"It's ok your didn't know" Peter looked down into his lap

Tony looked at Peters hand admiring the shiny scales and noticed his fingers were slightly webbed

"So do you just take a bath everyday or?" Tony asks still baffled

"I swim when I feel scratchy, aunt may doesn't know"

Tony nods "why?"

Peter looks away "ever see a monster movie they always kill the thing and ask questions later"

Tony thinks back to his reaction a few moments ago

Peter catches him in his self hatred "you thought I was a imposter you were looking out for me" Peter smiles

Tony squeezes Peters hand reasuringly this time

"Yeah I'll always looks out for my weird fish spider kid"

AHHHH ok I'm actually really proud of this and have ideas for a part two were the avengers find out

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