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Tails rubs his eyes as he lets out a yawn, when his eyes were fully opened he saw that he was in bedroom. The first thing that came to his mind was Sonic, he must've really over worked himself last night with helping the locals move their belongs to some storage units, for safe keeping. He dangled his legs over the side his bed getting out of his bed, he walks to his door and opens it.

Normally he was greeted to Sonic, doing morning stretches before he went off for a run...but no one at the door, he didn't think anything of it, maybe he slept in and missed his best friend, or maybe his older brother figure is sleeping in. Either way he was going to make breakfast...but he couldn't help but to feel a little uneasy, he decided head to his best friends room to check if he was there when he got to the door he pushed it open to see that the blue hedgehog wasn't in bed...it was left unmade as if Sonic jumped out of bed, not to mention that the whole bed was wet, as if someone had poured water on him.

"T-This can't be good..." The young kit said as his ears pinned to his head, he quickly ignored breakfast...he needed to find his best friend, the fox was smarter than he looked and knew that this wasn't Sonic forgetting to dry off after a shower. The fox adjusted his goggles and jacket before slipping on his shoes and running out of the house after closing the door, the first thing that came to his mind was check the places that Sonic ran through often. "Don't worry Sonic...I found out who kidnapped you!" He thought.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic was struggling to get out of the jello like creature's grip, he didn't know how long he's been struggling for...probably the whole night, which explains why his was slowly losing his strength, but his surroundings started to look familiar, he was on Angel Island, which only made him fear out even more cause of the chances of him getting off of this island is close to zero...since it was an island floating above a big body of ocean water. Adrenaline started to kick in and the blue hedgehog started started fighting but the jello like creature didn't really seemed to be bothered or care of that matter. The hedgehog soon got tired of trying, since his was starting to weaken himself even more...after all he didn't have an idea where Chaos taking him...until he saw an Echidna Tribe Logo on some stone tablet. When the stone door slide opened to reveal a hidden tunnel, the hedgehog's eyes only widened, the loud slam of the door from behind made the hedgehog only shiver, Chaos removes a part of itself that was covering Sonic's mouth to prevent him from scream away, causing the hedgehog to cough and gag up water.

Sonic looked forward at the beautiful lush landscape in front of him, but to his surprise there echidnas...mixture of dark red, pale orange, and orangish-pink, echidnas, but from what Sonic could see, there wasn't any puggles running around, only grown up echidnas, males and females, some around his age...some that were much older, they all the same white paint on their fur, dressed Indian like attire. As well as Chao of all different colors flying around.

"Nice work Chaos, you can release him" The Elder said to the water god.

Sonic shivers as he felt Chaos side it's way off of his body leaving the hedgehog's pelt soaking wet, as well as his pants, and socks. "W-Where am I? And w-who a-are you?" Sonic stammers he was far to tire to fight the Elder, at this point he thought he was dead...like Chaos suffocated him and brought him to heaven.

"Well Hero of Mobius...you are inside of Angel Island, I'm sure you'll little fox friend had talk about the hollow Mobius Theory" The Elder said as he turned around. "As to who we are...you are a smart boy, I'm sure you can figure it out"

Sonic blinked as his tired brain started to process everything.

"Elder? Lady Linda-Su, is ready for her examination of our Queen?" A Female scarlet Echidna said to the Elder, the echidna had darker red locks in her quills, as well as her quills tied into a braid.

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