Jeff the killer x reader : part 2

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Full and utter terror flooded your brain. The realisation that you were now completely lost and running for your life was overwhelming. You never in your entire life had though that this was possibly how you would or could die and then that this was, in fact, a pretty shitty way to die at that.
Your only hope was to try and head for the road and flag down a car. Whatever this thing was though, I was not letting up. Your legs were burning and your brain was going a thousand miles a second. In conclusion, you were absolutely fucking terrified.   Jagged branches were hitting you're face and arms as you ran deeper into the blackened forest, leaving red scrapes and marks on your exposed skin. Rain began lashing down even harder and the fear that whatever was following you would soon catch up was driving you to increase your speed. Perhaps not a good combination of things. Mud caked your boots and jeans up to the knees and coated your hands as well from all the almost slips or sudden turns you'd taken and needed to push up off from the ground to pivot faster.

As you launched through the trees and off the path you could see a larger opening fast approaching. You hurled yourself over bushes and shouldered past vast evergreen trunks, still pursued by faint yet growing laughter and the ever approaching crashing of branches and foliage. Your lungs felt like they were bleeding, your heart hammered so fast you were sure it would burst. Tears streamed down your cheeks mixing with rain and flecks of mud. With one more push for speed, ignoring your sreaming muscles and lungs, you catapulted through the opening.

Your eyes lay upon a huge clearing with the biggest mansion you'd ever seen. For a split second you were taken aback by such a jarring sight.
Lightning flashed across the sky and illuminated the gargantuan house. It looked long abandoned, creepers encased the crumbling walls. Two large wooden doors towered before you. Peeling, dark brown varnish paint flaking off onto the massive, leaf covered stone steps leading up to them. The black, slopping roofs, complete with spire, made it look even older. Crumbling marble statues only added to the creepy ambiance of the settlement. The house had over at least 100 years old, you mused.
Although by this point you didn't really give a shit how old or creepy looking it was. As long as it was somewere you could hide from what ever was chasing you.
Wait! That thing was still right on your tail and you didn't have time to gawk at abandoned mansions. You practically flew up the steps to face the towering wooden doors. *edited to this point so far*
Ear piercing laughter shattered through the sound of your heavy pounding heart, now closer than ever. It was catching up!

You rushed up to the door and yanked on one of the rusty handles. To you're relief it was open, but why? Certainly it would be locked. You didn't have time to worry why at this point and you didnt care as long as you were out of the rain and away from that insane laughter and whoever was behind it. You heaved open one of the heavy doors slowly to look inside and to you're utter astonishment it was very clean and tidy. There were red leather sofa's surrounding a coffee table, a large and very expensive looking black and red floral carpet in the middle of the expansive room under the sofas and table. long black curtains covered the windows, blocking out what little light may have entered in if it had been bright out. There was a very large wooden and carpeted staircase to the right of the room. In the centre of the room, in front of the sofas, was a huge HD flat screen TV with many games system's on the glass television stand and hundreds of games scattered around it in piles. Many photos adorned the walls, shelves and tables in the extremly large room. You were in too much of a rush to get a good look at them though, unfortunately. You stepped inside the room and heaved the doors shut behind you. You began to sprint up to the stairs when you heard the door slam open. You turned around to face them.

The person standing in the doorway had bleach white skin that looked as if it had been badly burned in the past. His hair was a long charcoal black mess that hung lankly down to his shoulders. His face drew the most attention. The smile was huge and covered in silvery scars. Had he cut his cheeks so he looked like he was always smiling!?! His midnight blue eyes were unblinking and rimmed in black singed flesh. The white hoodie he wore was stained with blood and viscera from what you assumed had been a recent victim. Would you blood soon join theirs?

Jeff the killer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now