10. The Village

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"Did my father ask you to walk so close to my carriage like this?" I ask Sarawat, who's walking outside the carriage, close to me

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"Did my father ask you to walk so close to my carriage like this?" I ask Sarawat, who's walking outside the carriage, close to me.

"No. Commander Bright asked me to," he replies. "He's worried about your safety."

"Tch. Papa is too much sometimes." I grumble.

"Why does Your Highness call him Papa while addressing the King formally?" he asks.

"Oh... well. It turns out I had addressed my father as dada when I was small. But royal rules say that the parents should be addressed formally. So eventually, it became father. Boring, right?"

"Yeah... I mean. No. It's fine."

I lean against my seat and think. I don't know how long we are supposed to go in the woods until the soldiers who are disguised as assassins show up. When they do, Sarawat and I are supposed to make a run during the mess. We are supposed to run as far as we can and reach the hideout before the soldiers find us.

I asked my father how long I would have to be in the hideout, to which he replied one-month maximum. He promised me that he would find the rebellions soon and give me back my freedom. Hopefully, it happens soon because staying together with Sarawat won't be good for my heart anyways.

I even argued with him last night and chased him out of my room. I am getting pissed off at him for rejecting me. I mean, what is wrong with me? Why doesn't he like me back? I really thought all the signs he gave me were signs of affection. How he would stare at me while I was in the bath, how he would hide his scent when he felt aroused around me, how he would get jealous whenever I talked with another alpha.

No. He doesn't dislike me. He has lied to me because there's no way he doesn't feel anything when he stares at me like that... like he doesn't want anyone else to be close to me.

I look to my right, where the small window of the carriage shows Sarawat. He's walking while attentive to our surroundings. While staring at him through the small window, I see some black figures emerging from the shadows.

I breathe out in anxiety, realising the time to launch our plan has come.

I wait patiently while listening to the sounds of yells outside. My carriage comes to a stop in the middle of the forest, and soldiers draw out their swords to fight the fake enemy. I hope no one gets caught or dies.

I come out of my carriage after a minute, and a soldier suddenly takes my hand. He leads me in the opposite direction for safety. I realise our plan will be gone if he sticks with me. But Sarawat comes to me right on time. He pulls me to him, and the soldier sees that I am in good hands. So he goes back to chase after the fake enemy.

Sarawat and I start running in the opposite direction together. We don't stop until we are far away from the scene, and even when I complain I am tired, Sarawat doesn't stop and pull me with him.

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