Your POV

"Get back to work!!!" In an instant everyone is gone and headed back to do their things

~Later at lunch~

"Y/N!!!" Kaku waved to at me. I turned back and smiled at him. He looked so cheerful.
'If only you knew I'm a CP9 member..' I thought. he grinned wider but he stopped when he saw the look on my face. "Is something wrong?" I looked at him and said "Nothing, nothing" He then dragged me to a restaurant and asked the waiter. "A table for 2 please" The waiter showed us our table and we both gladly ate together. "You know about Aqua Laguna right?" He said while eating, I nodded a bit and I thought 'The plan launches tonight..' You both ate in peace right after you both go to Blueno's bar and met the others there. Paulie waved at you and Lucci turned to you. I sighed mentally and thought that I shouldn't get attached too much to Kaku.

~Later at night~

Aqua Laguna is here and Lucci told me to meet them at the 7th floor which is Iceberg's room. I moonwalked all the way to avoid getting wet. I barged in through the window and I noticed people were here. I turned to look at them and everyone is here. What shocked me is that they were the shipwrights. Lucci is no surprise since I knew because Spandam told me he will be in charge. But I never knew they were a part of the crew. Kaku is in front of me which he attacked his finger pistol. I putt out my left hand to block it. He asked "Who are you?" Lucci turned to me.
"Your late." I sweatdropped. "Hehe, sorry." I took off my mask and said "Hey everyone" Kaku looked shocked and the others looked at each other. I shook my hand to remove excess blood.
"Y/n, check his vitals" Lucci ordered. "Yes sir!" I saluted playfully and ran to Iceberg. I smirked seeing him suffer. "Start the hypothesis." Lucci continued to confirm his hypothesis while I checked his vitals. Iceberg wriggled his hand out of my grasp. "It's no use. You just have to cooperate and no one gets hurt." I stuck my tongue out playfully. Later we got the blueprint of the weapon; Pluton and we ran to avoid getting wet. Once we all were safe. Kaku turned to me and reached for my hand. I winced a bit at the pain but I didn't mind "Are you okay?!" He asked
"I'm fine" Lucci put the blueprint in his pocket and turned to us. "We will be going back to the headquarters after the storm settles down." Everyone nodded and we all stayed quiet

**ONE PIECE** Kaku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now