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In a few minutes Ivaraj will finally get out of his seal. Well I'm pretty sure he is a little bored there soo--I weakened the seal a bit... Now or so in a few minutes he'll get out now--








7 minutes has passed and I felt a very terrifying, dark, and enormous aura, which I presume is my brother, it seems like he is heading this way, to which I saw a gigantic black-ish dragon which I think is as big as Veldanava..

The dragon landed here which then caused a black smoke,. After the smoke disappeared, I saw a man with black hair, Dark purplish eyes, and a somehow fancy clothes, and... Aaawww! He wore the jacket I gave him 34,000 years ago!

I'm suprised it still hasn't decay after all the battles he caused and met.

"Ahahaha-Elder brother! Welcome back! How was your wonderful sealing place-? "
I said

"You little brat!You dare to spill the secrets I have sought for you to never tell anyone except that Veldanava!?" He screached

"Hey-Hey! No need to scream it was only a few secrets! -" I said

"Few!? FEW!? I know you are my sister but that was.. 1000 SECRETS! 1000" he screached yet again, Then I saw Guy-san and the others teleport behind Ivaraj

"Oh please you still have 80,124 more! " I talked back

"Eugh,... You know what fine... But.. " Out of no where he suddenly punched me with his blaack flames! BLACK FLAMES! Damn that guy, he's thankful that I have ultimate---(infinite) regeneration or else I would be dead!

"DAMN YOU IVARAJ! I said then lunging at him then sending a punch on him with one of my unique skills--(Dimensional Anihilation) Which cause 400meter radious aftershocks which made the ground lava-ish...

" Tch! "He said from afar, I then summoned my scythe wih those glisttering effects, it looked icy but it's actually made from crystals enforced with Veldanava's magic and ultimate skill

My brother then summoned his sword which was also gifted from Veldanava

We clashed and clashed thank Veldanava, that my Valley wasnt affected at all, well thanks to my barrier though

Hours has passed and we still haven't ran out of stamina, and mana, we both were fighting like maniacs if you ask me, and of course when we started fighting Guy, Velzard, and Velgrynd seemed to have already activated a barrier and up to this hour they seemed to be getting tired ... And in one of these hours Diablo-san and the others teleported here, watching me and Ivaraj fight like maniacs..

I let out a smile and a small laugh since I haven't had a fight like this for a while ever since Ivaraj was sealed

Now that I think about it I was gonna send one of my attacks until, Velzard fell to the ground and coughed blood, next was Velgrynd, Ivaraj turned to the Dragon-sisters, and glared at them since they interrupted our fight, after they both fell to the ground the barrier was now very thin since Guy's magicules are running out

I then walked over to Velzard and Velgrynd, and knelt at their level

I raised a hand over them and began to heal them, "You should rest at the valley y'know? " I said to them with a smile

They hesitated for a moment but seeing their weak state they teleported to the Valley

"We should continue this later Ivaraj--" I said with a smile- a demanding smile

"Tch fine"

"If I'm honest enough brother you always say 'Tch'" I mocked him

He only rolled his eyes and was just about to say 'tch' but remembered what I said and already knew what I would say

"Now for you all just go to the valley" I said pointing at the valley, Diablo-san and the others replied wih a bow and teleported to the valley

"Ok! Since its just me and you time to tix this mess! " I then raised my hand, then a blue light formed around it,

"Restoration! " (just deal with my made-up spells-😗)

After I said that everything went back to normal as if nothing happened

Little did I know that someone was watching us

???? POV

"Welp that dragon finally appeared"
"Anos-san what are you looking at? " a blond girl with pigtails said, and with the eyes of destruction

"Oh nothing, what are you doing here? " the man with black hair asked

To be continued---😶Now I seriously wish that my past readers will see season 2 ngl😀

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