!Lilia x Reader! Under the Moonlight

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The wind picked up some leaves and you felt them flying around your hair. You just laughed and Lilia just stared at you.

You both slowly stopped dancing and you smiled up at Lilia. Seeing him stare at you made you blush.

"What are you looking at?"

Lilia said nothing, but instead pressed his lips onto yours. You gasped in shock before slowly melting into the kiss and wrapping your arms around him. (YASSS MC. CLAIM UR MANSSSSS)

It was the best moment of your life. 

You both pulled away and just smiled at each other.

"I love you, MC."

"I love you too Lilia."

Since that night it was always you and Lilia's ritual to go to that lake at least once every few days to have a nice dance on top of the lake, even after graduation. Soon, you both got married right at the same spot you first danced, just under the moonlight. Soon after, you both had a child, a beautiful girl - Luna Vanrouge. (Luna; inspired by the moonlight. See what I did there. *looks at last word of title and the name Luna*)

You and Lilia were the happiest.

However, happiness that perfect never lasts forever. 

Lilia knew that. 

The male was always dreading as the years went by. He knew that his curse would weigh down on his happiness. 

It was one afternoon where Lilia was looking outside the window of your home, thinking about that curse. You, in your mid 30s, walked up to him carrying a sleeping, five-year-old Luna. 

"Hello, my love!" Lilia turned to the sound of your voice and smiled. You leaned down and gave him a kiss. 

"Hello, my dear MC."

"What are you doing, sitting here by yourself?"

"I'm just thinking."

You sat in the seat opposite of Lilia and sat in silence till you spoke.

"What's bothering you?"

Lilia sighs before turning to you grimly. 

"My curse."

Those words were met with silence before Lilia continued. (Dun dun dunnnnn) 

"I can feel the immortality getting to me. And I hate it. I have to watch you grow old, and our daughter grow old, knowing that you both will soon leave, and I'll be alone. I don't wish for that to happen."

You reached out and took Lilia's hand in yours. 

"Listen to me. No matter what happens, I will always love you, and I will always be your wife, whether I'm alive or dead. Luna will always be your daughter, whether she's alive or dead. Lilia, you are so special to us both." (Not me tearing up)

Lilia smiles and kisses your hand. 

After that conversation, Lilia always tried to put that topic at the back of his mind, but no avail. He focused on leading a life of love with you, still going out to the lake and dancing with you. (Dancing ritual? I'm all for it)

Time wore on, and Lilia showed no signs of growing older. His hair grew longer and longer because of that curse, and he just watched you and Luna get older and older. 

Before he knew it, he was marrying his daughter off at 27. You stood by his side that day, older, yet still happy. 

You were able to live long enough to see your daughter give birth to her own child. You and Lilia became grandparents, and it made you both so happy. Yet, there was that horrible, unsettling feeling weighing you both down. (*Insert sad, ominous music*)

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