nine. the final tally

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HARRY HAD SURVIVED, yet he wouldn't get up, even after one day, two days...

Everyone was shocked when Professor Quirrell suddenly disappeared from the school without any further warning. The only people that knew were Dumbledore and the four first years that had spent the majority of their year figuring out what "Snape" was trying to steal.

Much to Marty's dismay, his last year as a Gryffindor Chaser did not end as well as he hoped. They got flattened by Ravenclaw without Harry as their Seeker, and that was the end of the season. Archer was amongst the many Gryffindor students that attended his speech at the end of the game, and they all cheered for him.

"I've got to keep my limbs in check," Marty explained to them, grinning at Archer, who was trying to hide from his fellow Gryffindors, who clearly still held feelings of disdain for him. "Quidditch isn't everything to me, but I've really enjoyed playing for the team."

Finally, after three days, Dumbledore emerged from the Hospital Wing as Archer, Ron, and Hermione waited outside timidly. He gave them a smile, and his eyes glinted with mystery.

"Madam Pomfrey is strict," he said strangely and then walked off. Archer looked at Ron with an eyebrow raised.

"Maybe Harry's awake," said Ron. "Dumbledore was in there for a while." Madam Pomfrey exited the wing a few minutes later, and frowned.

"You can visit for five minutes." she deadpanned, and with that, she moved out of the way so they could walk through the door to see Harry, who was laying down in the second bed on the left.

"Harry!" They all cheered. Harry gave them a small smile, but didn't move much.

"Oh, Harry, we were sure you were going to..." Hermione trailed off, "Dumbledore was so worried..."

"Harry, everyone wants to know what really happened." Archer said, sitting down beside the boy. So he began a long story.

"I went through the black fire, of course, thanks to Hermione. When I got through, I was in a room with the Mirror of Erised. And... it wasn't... it wasn't Snape, it was Quirrell." Everyone else gasped.

"Anyways, he turned around and began to talk to himself. Then he told me that he brought a troll into the castle, and that Snape wasn't the one who tried to jinx me off my broom. It was Quirrell. Hermione just knocked him over. And then Snape refereed the next game to make sure he didn't do it again.

"Then he saw himself in the mirror giving the Stone to his master... then, I got the Stone in my pocket, I dunno how... then Quirrell started to unwrap his turban, and Voldemort was on the back of his head."

Hermione gasped and cringed.

"Then Quirrell tried to kill me, but I touched him and his face started to... melt... or something. And then I nearly died, but Dumbledore saved me just in time."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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