Getting Back on Their Feet

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Another chapter this week. I will be finishing this book up tonight cause why not. 

(Plz read if you read my Killing Butterflies book)                                                                                            There will soon be updates on my Wednesday story, I just haven't had the time to rewatch the series to refresh my memory but I will to that later when I finish this chapter or so.

But enjoy the chapter.


3rd POV

Gomez sat emotionless in a chair while Thing rubbed his head. ''Yes, we've been forced from our home. Yes, we've been betrayed by those we have trusted, and yes Y/n is being held captive by those people, but we are Addams' and we will not submit.'' Morticia said firmly. ''Who recalls the old fable of the tortoise and the hare? The swift yet lazy little cottontail and his slow but determined companion? What does the story teach us?'' She asked.

''Kill the hare! Skin it. Boil it.'' Grandma suggested. ''Put the tortoise on the highway.'' Wednesday said. ''During rush hour.'' Pugsley added. ''Yes. We will survive. Poison us. Strangle us. Break our bones. We will come back for more. And why?'' ''Because we like it.'' Grandma said proudly. ''Because we're Addams'.'' Pugsley answered. ''And we'll save Y/n.'' Wednesday stated.

''Your girlfriend.'' Pugsley teased. ''Yes. My girlfriend and no one else's.'' Wednesday stated proudly. 


Wednesday and Pugsley were standing at a lemonade stand outside. A girl scout carrying boxes of cookies approached them. ''Is this made from real lemons?'' She asked snobbishly. ''Yes.'' Pugsley said.

''Well I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup, if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?'' ''Are they made from real Girl Scouts?'' Wednesday asked. The girl glared at them before huffing and walking away.


Mrs. Craven, Y/n, and Gordon were sitting at a table eating lunch. ''After Lunch well try again.'' She announced to Gordon referring about the money. 

''Yes mother.'' Gordon muttered playing with his food as he looked at Y/n who looked down emotionlessly also playing with her food. Even if you couldn't see it on the outside, you could tell she was upset about the family leaving. 

''We'll find the money. Meanwhile, we have this little nest, quiet and cozy. Without that dreadful family.'' Mrs. Craven said not noticing the glare Y/n was giving her.

''Yes mother.'' Gordon muttered again.


After lunch, Y/n went back up to her room as she looked out the window longingly. She missed the Addams very dearly. They treated her as one of them, she felt at home with them. 

All she could think of is how they are doing, what they are doing. She wished she would have done something sooner, maybe then this wouldn't have happened, they wouldn't have to be kicked out of their own home, they wouldn't have been lied to, betrayed, and heartbroken

Y/n grabbed a sketchbook and a pencil, slowly starting to sketch as she was lost in thought. (I have done this so many times and honestly my drawings have turned out good)

Mrs. Craven told Y/n about her and Gordon going after the Addams money. She never figured out Y/n knew about it, Gordon definitely did, but didn't say anything. Y/n could tell Gordon missed the Addams family too.

Her hand suddenly stopped and her eyes looked at the sketch she made. It was a sketch of Wednesday with a small smile on his face. She felt something wet slide off her cheek as it landed on the sketch. She realized she was crying as she put her hand to her cheek.

Y/n sat up from the window sill, putting the sketchbook and pencil down, slowly walking to her bed laying in it. She had finally broke and started sobbing into her pillow thinking about Wednesday.


I made the ending SOO DEPRESSING WTFFFF 

But anyways only 2 more chapters to go WOOOOO THIS WILL BE FINISHED ( ANd then time its time to suffer with the other book T^T)


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