Chapter 1: Bad Luck

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                A blank book is simply a note in itself, you have to add to it to turn it into something else. To add peace, you have to add order, to add results, you have to add effort. However, if you want to add chaos, you have to add disorder.

               That was the case for the land of Yazrid. Imagine war and flames engulfing cities, bodies, and corpses piling high that could feed ants for centuries. In the end, to turn war into peace, there's nothing else to do but to add that pile. To add more men to the fields, more steel to the furnace, and more chaos to the enemy. Yazrid, a place once full of life and order, now, the walls of its capital now fallen to those it wished to rid it of life and order. While a lesson, as old as time itself is still spoken, and will never be forgotten. To turn something into a monster, you must add a cell. 

               Before the continent of Yazrid became a bloody mess, we must go to what it was before, over 100 years ago. The continent of Yazrid was peaceful and lined across the center of the earth known as the Light Belt, or the Equator by geographers. To it's northwest, the continent of Fari, a place full of ice and fire. With mountains, hills, and dense forests as far as the eye can see. The people are either in poverty, with no middle ground, not even merchants, blacksmith's or farmers. Finally, to its southeast, the faithful and god-obsessed continent of Halenthur.

        Now, before you learn anything more, you must know about Yazrid and the war that set the world a blaze. For Yazrid was the first place ever to experience the strange and unusual new races. The cause for these new races pf creatures all came from a strange group of mercenaries known as the Elemental Masters. In their hands, they carried strange weapons. A large hammer made with a jade end bigger than a head. Two black twin small dagger-like blades, similar to the head of a trident. A sword that doesn't slash but thrusts. A thin blade that cuts through trees with a simple slice. A strange double-sided spear that blocks with the grace of a bow staff and strikes like that pf a sword. A ball and chain, which was wielded quite skillfully as if it weighed nothing.

       These strange weapons, among others, were used by the mercenary group who were able to destroy fortress after fortress and nation after nation. Each is referred to as a type of dragon, and no matter where they went, you could not meet someone who didn't know their tale. Especially the strongest among the dragons, the Fire Dragon, and glade wielder, Ezra, with his dangerous dance of flames, engulfing all else. The Ice Dragon, and dual greatsword carrier, Alex, is a dangerous armored foe, with enough power to slice through boulders. The Spectral Dragon, a strange man with an arsenal of needles made of a strange material that penetrates armor, leather, and skin in seconds. The Death Dragon, a cloaked warrior who carries a scythe, named Eon. A dangerous adversary, who has mastered every fighting technique, and learns all your moves from a simple glance. The Time Dragon and Space Dragon, two unbeatable forces of nature. Finally, the oldest among them all are Zane and Shade, Zane is known as the Earth Dragon, and Shade is well known as the Nightmare Dragon. All who have faced the two's might, have never won, and never lived to tell about it

       Although despite their strength and power, the 8 never once abused it, instead they used it to help others. They believed that their strengths purpose was to fend off bandits and knowledge, for the welfare of the land. The other Elemental Masters didn't agree with their ideals and during the eight dragon's travels, something change. For  when they came back they had armies with them to raise the land to ash. Taking this opportunity the rest of the Elemental Masters and the armies they had gathered declared war. Many of the nearby cities were confused when the armies came knocking, but over time, when it finally came for them to fight drew their weapons, they were ready. Only to have themselves cut down with sheer ease.

     As several years passed and many were forced underground, to the volcanoes, forest, or the open sea. Forcing their bodies structures to adapt to harsh environments. Creating dwarves, small men, and women who could easily squeeze through small spaces of the mountains. Pyrites, a tribe of people with great resistance to the heat. Merpeople, full of fishermen and those who could breathe longer than the average human. As well as elves whose ears became sharp to easily dash through the forest. All scared of the Dragon's opposing threat and how they cut down the Elemental Masters who came to fight them.

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