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   I didn’t intend to continue this story, as I honestly had no more ideas for it. Some people wanted more, but I wanted to do the characters justice, because I love each one of them, so I would only continue if I got the inspiration to write more on it, and not just force out more chapters. Well, it turns out, finally, I had a new idea for this story, and where it is going. A story centered on the perspective of my second favorite Doki, Yuri.


   Yuri comes to terms with what she did to MC, what he did for her, and how she blames herself for the burden the boy forced himself to carry for her and the others, all while struggling to accept that it is too late for her.


(I apologize if it feels mischaracterized for some reason)



References to ‘Just Yuri’ Mod and ‘Purist’ Mod are made.




   It’s all coming back to me now. It’s all coming back. And it’s all wrong. This is not what I wanted to do. It is not how I wanted our interactions to go…

1.   How it Started

   It had been a normal day, we were going to meet at the club, Sayori had told us she would bring a new member to the club. Natsuki had cupcakes, and although I am not prone to show them, I was excited for a new member with whom to share my love of literature. I had thought the new member would be a girl, I had never expected it to be him.

   Sayori had mentioned him sometimes, but by the way, she spoke about him, I didn’t think he would like to join us, it was more likely for him to join the ‘Anime Club’, or no club at all. But we couldn’t be rude, so I introduced myself… I think… Had I been calm? Had I been forceful? Or shy? The blur of both acts doesn’t allow me to…

   I remember he didn’t seem too interested in the club, more in the cupcakes. It was obvious from that moment that Sayori had all but dragged him to the club. But I still wanted him to stay, we all did. And we were all happy when he did.

   The poem activities revealed we had a lot in common, his way of writing was impressively complex, although… Now I know that was just in my route. Still, he didn’t seem exasperated by my manner of speech, or my way of writing, although I am not entirely sure if he understood everything I was saying. But he was there, stayed with me in reading, at least, the beginning of ‘The Portrait of Markov’. He was kind…

   And everything went wrong when Sayori died. My memories after that are foggy. I am still not sure what came over me. I know I had started to develop feelings for him, it was there in my last poem...

But what I did after…

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