Heart Matters

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Maggie: "Okay, everyone, heads up! CPD! Dr. Choi?"

Arya: "Auto versus ped. Officer Kate Windham found unresponsive in her driveway."

Maggie: "Who?"

Arya: "Officer Kate Windham."

Theo: "Down for an unknown period. Tubed in the field." he informs, Parker turning to give Maggie a concerned look as she freezes in her spot

Parker: "Mags?"

Maggie: "Baghdad." she points, slowly following the gurney

Ethan: "She was hit in her own driveway?"

Brett: "Freak accident. Parking brake gave out. Her SUV rolled into her."

Dawson: "BP 111 over 77, heart rate 136. Dropped to 32, and then shot back up."

Jeff: "Cushing's response. Brainstem herniation?"

Ethan: "Let's not go there yet. Transfer on my count. Ready? One, two, three. Any sedation or paralytics in the field?"

Arya: "No."

Jeff: "Pupils are fixed and dilated."

Ethan: "Not initiating a breath. Resume bagging. No corneal reflex."

Jeff: "What's with Maggie?"

April: "Officer Windham arrested Maggie last year." she informs, glancing at the door where Maggie stands, a blank look on her face


Silently examining Kate, Wesley glances at where her husband stands, pressing a kiss to her hand as he gently caresses her hair. Sighing after a moment she turns towards Trudy, shaking her head with a knowing look

Wesley: "Lieutenant Windham, as I explained, your wife's CT showed massive bleeding. The tests confirm she's not responsive to stimuli, and her blood flow study indicates that the pressure in her brain is greater than her blood pressure. She has no blood flow to her brain. Unfortunately, all of these things tell us that your wife is brain dead."

Windham: "You're telling me she's dead?"

Wesley: "I'm very sorry."

Windham: "My...wife's dead." he breathes, taking in a shaky breath

Trudy: "We're right here for you, Darryl." she assures, moving to rub his shoulder in comfort

Windham: "She was just walking to the mailbox."

Trudy: "Mm-hmm."

Windham: "I don't understand. I don't get it. She was-she was walking to the mailbox."

Wesley: "I know this must be a terrible shock for you" she hums, giving him a soft look as they stand in silence for a moment "Lieutenant, I did see on her records your wife is a registered organ donor."

Windham: "Yeah."

Trudy: "Kate was all about helping others."

Wesley: "Our charge nurse will coordinate the donations." she hums, motioning Ethan and Maggie into the room

Ethan: "Lieutenant Windham, this is Maggie Lockwood."

Windham: "You're the nurse-that's the nurse-that's, um..." he nods, exchanging a look with Trudy "You're the nurse from last year."

Wesley: "We'll give you some time, Lieutenant. Again, I'm very sorry." she hums, exiting the room with Ethan and Maggie

Trudy: "I am gonna be right back" she assures, following the three out the room "Dr. Green, Dr. Choi, can I talk to you for a minute?" she hums, motioning to the side "Given the history between your nurse and Officer Windham, we have a problem. It's hard enough on the lieutenant. He doesn't need this."

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