"Hey, now, it's okay." He cupped your cheek. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you. This is your home, now! And I know you'll love it. Here, let me show you." He picked you up bridal style and carried you to a place where dead children were stuffed in the animatronic suits.

"Dear god, what did you do?!" You yelled.

"Look at them. They're all so happy here. It's like a never ending party for us. This family really grows on you. Here, there is no pain, no sadness, just everlasting joy. I look after them, I make them happy." He turned to you.

"And now you can too. You're a lucky girl,     y/n. Even though you've come late to the party, you're my favorite... so I saved the best place of all, just for you. With me." He wrapped his hand around your waist and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him.

"You'll always have a place in my heart. And you'll be mine. For all eternity!" He lifted his head up to reveal someone inside him.

You screamed.

And jumped up from bed.

Y-Y/n! Are you okay?!" Your sister jumped up. "Oh, Jesus Christ. It's nothing, I just had a nightmare, that's all." You said, still gasping from the adrenaline.

Springtrap suddenly burst through the door.

"Y/n! What's wrong?!" He asked. "Nothing! Stay back!" You scooted back on your bed.

"Oh, no. D-did you have a nightmare?... Was it about me?" He asked.

"Seriously, springtrap, I'm fine, just go away!" You backed up more.

"Springtrap, stop! She's scared." Delia said.

"Ok, ok. I'll stop. You had a nightmare, right?"

"Um, yeah..."

"About me?"


"That's alright. I'm not going to come near you. See? I'm staying all the way over here." He backed up from you.

"Hey, I know you want me to leave, but... I'm not going to until you know you're safe, okay? Can I come closer?" He asked.


"N-now I'm just going to put the blanket around you, okay?"


"... Can we talk about how I can make it better?" He asked and you slowly nodded.

"We can talk about this over cookies, like me and Delia always do, okay?"

"Ooh, can I come with?" She grinned widely. "Of course! Only if y/n thinks it's okay." He turned to you and you nodded. "Yeah, it's fine."

"Don't forget the cuddles." Delia smiled. "Never forget the cuddles." Springtrap chuckled and wrapped his arm around you.

~time skip~

"There you go. Cookies. Now let's talk about this nightmare of yours, okay? And Delia, you can feel free to talk about yours as well." He set the bowl of cookies in front of you two.

"Oh, it's fine. I've already forgotten about it." You chuckled nervously. "Yeah, mine don't matter that much either." Delia agreed.

"Girls... come on. Are you worried I'm gonna get mad?" He forced a smile.

"Well, it's just... it's a dream about your past, so I thought-"

"It is?!"

"Come on. Why can't we just talk and play like we used to?" Delia smiled hopefully. "You've been in such a funk lately... just... be my big silly bunny buddy again... Please... I miss you, man." Tears formed in her eyes.

"I... I... I can't! Not when you're both so close to figuring out- -!" He grabbed Delia by her collar.

"Figuring out what?" You raised an eyebrow. He turned away.

"Come on, springtrap! Just get it over with and just tell us! You can't keep it from us forever!" Delia pleaded.

"Dammit, I am not losing you, girls! Do you want our friendship to go up in flames, huh?!"

"W- what? No, I-"

"Well, it's not going to happen like that! Because guess what? I'm never letting you go. Never! Even if you hate me! Never! I am not letting this go!" You grabbed your sister and pulled her away from him, she clung to you, deathly afraid.

He suddenly realized what he was doing.

"... wait a second, I- I didn't mean it like that-"

Suddenly, someone smacked him in the face with a bat.

"Get away from them!" Your dad yelled.

Springtrap groaned, falling to the ground.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that!" He jumped up.

"Don't!" You yelled. "Hey, hey, hey, guys! Let's just talk about this over cookies! Come on..." Delia tried to break them up.

"He hit me!" Springtrap yelled. "Well you were being creepy." You stated.

Your dad grabbed you both pulled you away.

"Come on, girls. There's something seriously wrong with him." He said.

"Dick! I'm right here! I hear everything that comes out of your mouth!" He shouted.

"Relax dad. He just has some anger issues!" Delia smiled nervously. "Get it together, springtrap!" You whispered sharply.

"Come on, let's go into the living room and talk about this." You suggested and Delia nodded in agreement.

"Here dad, have some. Trust me, springtrap makes the best cookies." Delia offered and your dad stared at them skeptically.

"... you wanna know what I think about him?"

"Go on. Tell us. I dare you." Springtrap smiled evily.

"I think he's not who he says he is at all. I think he's hiding something big. There's something very evil about him. And no, I don't think he's actually your friend." Your dad said.

"Alright, alright, alright. Nicky, let's talk. Alone." He said.

You and Delia both hesitantly left the room and went back to bed.

In love with a monster~ Springtrap x readerWhere stories live. Discover now