five. trolls and curses

Start from the beginning

"That's not any old broom!" Ron exclaimed, making Archer roll his eyes but grin nonetheless. "It's a Nimbus Two Thousand! What'd you say you have at home, Malfoy? A Comet Two Sixty? They're flashy, but they're nowhere near the same league as the Nimbus."

"How would you know, Weasley?" Malfoy spat. "You can't even afford the handle. I suppose you and your brothers have to save up twig by twig." Ron turned a deep red and was about to retaliate when Professor Flitwick approached them.

"No arguing I hope?" he said warningly.

"Potter's been sent a broom." Malfoy gritted his teeth.

"Yes, yes! Professor McGonagall told me all about it. And what model?" Flitwick turned to Harry, his face beaming with excitement.

Archer enjoyed seeing Malfoy's face fall. "It's a Nimbus Two Thousand, professor. Harry's really lucky."

"And it's really thanks to Malfoy that I've got it." Harry grinned in the direction of the blonde, who went pink.

They headed to the seventh floor, laughing all the way. Malfoy's pure rage was enough to brighten the entire day.

"Well it's true." Harry said abruptly. "If Malfoy hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrall, I wouldn't be on the team..."

"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?" came an angry voice from behind them. Hermione was going up the stairs, frowning deeply at the package in Harry's hand.

"I thought you weren't talking to us." said Harry.

"Yeah, please don't stop now." Archer pleaded, making Ron laugh.

"It's doing us so much good." Ron added, his smile growing wider. Hermione marched away from them in pure fury.

The day went by surprisingly fast, as all three of them were waiting to look at Harry's new broom before he went to learn the basic rules of Quidditch with Wood later that evening. When Harry set off, Ron flipped into his bed, disappointed that the broom had to leave so soon.

"I can't wait for Harry's first game." Archer said, tossing his pillow up and down in the air.

"Me neither. It'll be cool. Harry's really good." Ron agreed.

"I'm gonna wander around, if that's alright." Archer stood up and Ron shrugged.

"I have homework anyways." the redhead replied, getting out his book bag with a groan.

Archer knew exactly where he was going, yet he didn't at the same time. He wandered aimlessly for about ten minutes before he ran into someone.

Professor McGonagall looked down at him. "Shouldn't you be at dinner?"

"I wasn't really that hungry." Archer replied honestly.

"Why don't you join me in my office, then? We can talk. It's been a while."

The two set off up some staircases, and then some more. Finally, they arrived at the Transfiguration classroom, where Archer stood across from her at her desk.

"So, you've become good friends with Mr. Potter, then?" She asked, a bit distracted by the papers on her desk.

"Oh, yeah. He's nice, and brilliant at Quidditch. But you already know that." Archer responded, looking around the classroom. It was large, as he already knew, and the chalkboard had all the homework they had written on it.

"Yes, he's very well off. I'm sure you are too, when you try out next year." Professor McGonagall replied casually. "I'm proud of you for not getting up on that broom. I know you would've wanted to."

all i want is you ~ hermione grangerWhere stories live. Discover now