Chapter 5: Date the Visitor Again!

Start from the beginning

I trail behind Y/N as I find him with quite a beautiful girl... She didn't seem to be questioning Y/N's odd appearance. 'She must be Y/n's friend' I concluded as I watched them in the corridor communicate through the whiteboard Y/n had.

"I see, so they're both incapable of speaking?" Kotori said aloud. "Is that why they get along?" Kotori wondered. Maybe they got along so well because they could sympathize with each other's disabilities? Kotori theorized for now.

I listen to Kotori's monologue as my attention returns to where Y/N was to see he and the girl had left. "They're gone!" I said aloud to the earpiece. "After them, Idiot," Kotori fired back as I hurriedly ran after where Y/N was.

Y/N followed the girl, who appeared to be dragging him, as they walked around the city. I would say they look like a normal couple. If Y/N didn't look like that... but from what I've noticed during our date and this date, most of the people were shrugging it off as a cosplay.

"I can't help but notice... Y/N seems more happy with this girl than he was with me," I pointed out aloud. as Kotori chimed in after a few minutes.

"Well, that is true. Since it says here that his emotions are generally more positive," I heard one of the Fraxinus Bridge members say as Kotori scoffed.

"You heard that, sis; you better step up your game or you'll get the NTR ending," Kotori added as I grumbled both physically and internally.

"Quit that. It's already embarrassing to act and talk like a girl," I said.

"Don't worry, you're already one," Kotori fired back as I sighed and just accepted defeat as I continued to watch the two.


(3rd POV)

Miku excitedly pulled Y/n throughout Tengu City until they arrived at a sort of carnival as they wandered around, and Miku visited and played on nearly every stall as she managed to make Y/n play and teach him about how each game worked. They played around until Miku got bored and saw a Ferris wheel and decided to take Y/n to it. As she took his hand, they got onto one of the pods on the Ferris wheel as the pod rotated slowly and intimately. as Y/n took in the view at the top.

"We're so high up... is this contraption for sight-seeing?" Y/N wrote and showed to Miku as she giggled, took his whiteboard, and wrote back.

"I guess you could say that... but on TV, these are usually used for intimate moments," Miku explained, shuddering a bit as she recalled that TV producer's face. As Miku snapped back into reality, she saw a cute scene of Y/N looking at her, and his dark blue color turned pinkish red.

"Did you take me out here to confess to me?" Y/N wrote back on the white board marker and showed it to Miku as her eyes widened.

'Dang it... How did he know? I can't do it now since he's going to be expecting it. I'll try again next time; I need to change the topic.' Miku thought as she shook her head. "Uh no, I took you here to ask you a personal question," Miku covered up.

"What is it then, Miku?" Y/N asked. "Will you still listen to my voice even if I lose it?" Miku asked as Y/N nodded.

"Of course we're friends, are we not?" Y/N wrote back as Miku felt her heart get pricked by a million arrows, but she ignored being friend zoned as she wanted his honest reply to her question.

"Will you be here with me? Even if it endangers you," Miku asked, waiting with her heart beating rapidly and anxiously for Y/N's answer.

"Yes, I'll be here with you no matter what it is. But I assume this is related to why and how you lost your voice, since you wouldn't ask a question like that out of the blue," Y/N wrote as Miku thought of what to say. Y/N was as clever as ever, managing to read her the reason for her sudden question.

"You can tell me... I'm here for you, always," Y/N wrote and showed to her as Miku's eyes got a little watery as she took the whiteboard. She begins to write, but slowly, as she wrote, the memories of those events echoed in her mind as she began to tear up.

Now that she's lost her voice, the instrument that helps translate her passion into reality, her fans are now turning on her. What can she do now, or what does she do now? It was all because of that wretched TV producer.

Suddenly Miku snapped out of her thoughts as she felt arms around her body. She first panicked and felt uncomfortable, but then she remembered it was only her and Y/N on the pod. As she looked at Y/N, he was pressed against her, wrapping her in a tight, comforting embrace.

"Y/n?" Despite Miku's inability to speak full sentences, her mouth was able to produce the name of her friend.

"You're crying heavily; its fine; I'm here; let it all out," Y/N said as he patted Miku's back and let her cry it all out with her tears flowing on him, as Miku let the memories of those events pass by as she balled her eyes out and let all her raw emotions out. as she managed to mutter three words.

"I love you," Miku muttered, but like every cliché romance, Y/N didn't hear her words.


"Oh wow, I wasn't expecting her to confess," Kotori said to Shiori through the earpiece.

"Yeah," Shiori muttered.

"Take this as a wake-up call. to step up your rizz," Kotori said as Shiori looked confused.

"Rizz, what's that?" Shiori asked as Kotori shrugged.

"Just some slang I learned while looking through those brain-rot short-form content on social media," Kotori said.

"If you know it's bad, why do you still engage with it? I think that's a wake-up call for you to get off your phone," Shiori commented as he felt Kotori get mad on the other end.

"You better watch your words, big brother, if you don't want to become my big sister permanently," Kotori said with a threatening tone.

"Yes, ma'am," Shiori said, afraid of the loss of their manhood.


Y/N accompanied Miku as he followed her home to ensure she was safe, as he stopped at her front gate. "This is as far as I go," Y/N wrote as he gave her a wave farewell before he turned and left. As Miku went inside, she realized.

"Oh, I should've established a way to contact him." Miku facepalmed at her own slip-up, but she was too focused on their activities that day to have realized. I guess she had so much fun with Y/n that her mind was disconnected from reality and was mainly focused on Y/n and their date.

Miku got into bed as she thought about her day. It started out as a train wreck, with the scandal on the back of her mind. During her concert, she lost her voice during a performance. And at her lowest, she had stray thoughts of suicide. That was until Y/N came and shed some light into her gloom; it was just him in her thoughts... Y/N lives in her mind rent-free, as she couldn't stop the fluttering of her heart when thinking about him.

"Y/n..." Miku looked out the window whilst on her bed. as she paused before looking down. "Goodnight."


Ok that's a wrap.... 

I haven't touched this chapter since last year, I just opened it now and just decided to finish it

I mostly didn't work on this chapter since I did hit a roadblock, plus I was busy IRL. and I still am.

I might just rewatch Date A Live because... I don't really remember much anymore of it

More Consistent updates? Nah I'd win... but honestly no since I'd rather write when I want to... since the reason I did like ghost for 1 year and a few months was a mix of burnout and IRL stuff getting in the way.

anyway bye. also I read comments all the time even if I'm not writing... I just don't reply, unless I'm really bored to death.

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